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Tag College of Engineering

Students use cool tools to solve local problems in summer Makerspace course

July 18, 2018

In the UW–Madison Makerspace, students design and build whatever they can imagine in a collaborative environment with cutting-edge tools. Some of their designs solve local challenges.

California-bound Badgerloop team aims for top prize

July 9, 2018

Badgerloop Pod III, a teardrop-shaped vehicle designed and built by UW–Madison students, is making its way from Madison to Hawthorne, California, to compete in the third SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition on July 22.

‘Stealth’ material hides hot objects from infrared eyes

June 21, 2018

Hiding from infrared detectors could become much easier, thanks to a new cloaking material that renders objects — and people — practically invisible.

TEAM Lab provides hands-on learning experience in modern machine shop facility

May 29, 2018

With countless tools and machines, the possibilities for bringing an idea to life are endless at the College of Engineering’s Technical…

Dan Ludois, inventor of new electrostatic motor, named Moore Inventor Fellow

November 7, 2017

UW-Madison Professor Dan Ludois is a Moore Inventor Fellow and one step closer to bringing a potentially transformative invention into the world.

Powertrain control pioneer Moskwa passes away

June 16, 2017

Professionally, Moskwa reinvented himself several times, working as a diesel mechanic, a trumpet instructor and musician who performed nationally and internationally, and finally, as an internationally renowned mechanical engineer.

$1M grant to boost engineering education at College of Menominee Nation

June 1, 2017

A $1 million grant will help the College of Menominee Nation and UW–Madison enhance their collaboration and ultimately educate more Native students in STEM disciplines.

Commencement spotlight: Class of 2017

May 7, 2017

Some overcame immense challenges to get here. All have achieved a cherished goal. See how some members of the Class of 2017 made their mark.

UW community mourns loss of student killed in weekend crash; motorist charged

April 17, 2017

"We are heartbroken by this tragic loss,” said Ananth Seshadri, chairman of the Department of Economics. “Wenxin was a gracious and thoughtful member of our economics community."

Renewable plastic precursor could grow cellulosic biofuel industry

April 6, 2017

A team of chemical and biological engineers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has found a way to produce from biomass a valuable compound used in plastic production that they estimate could lower the cost of ethanol produced from plant material by more than two dollars per gallon.

Engineer aims to grow spinal tissue in lab

March 21, 2017

One of regenerative medicine's applications "is the ability to create human tissues and watch diseases occur in a dish, which is extremely powerful for developing new therapies,” says Randolph Ashton, a professor of biomedical engineering.

Striking the right balance: UW–Madison engineers prove new hammer doesn’t strain

February 14, 2017

University of Wisconsin–Madison industrial engineers recently helped Fiskars test how effective its new shock-absorbing hammer is at helping users avoid overuse injuries.

New film proves student’s theory: You can unring a bell

February 1, 2017

Engineering student Chris Nguyen of Waukesha, Wisconsin, won GE’s “Unimpossible Missions: The University Edition” competition last fall, receiving a 10-week paid internship at the GE Global…

UW-Madison team wins Innovation Award in Hyperloop competition

January 30, 2017

A team of University of Wisconsin–Madison students won an innovation award in a worldwide SpaceX Hyperloop pod competition.

UW startup bringing high-speed gene sequencing to water purity tests

January 27, 2017

A fledgling company that emerged from the UW–Madison College of Engineering applies high-speed genetic sequencing to the difficult problem of detecting — and for the first time counting — pathogens in water.

Badgerloop unveils pod design at California competition

January 27, 2017

A behind-the-scenes look at UW–Madison's BadgerLoop team as it unveils the pod that will compete in the Hyperloop competition.

UW-Madison team at Hyperloop competition

January 25, 2017

After more than a year of intensive work, a team of University of Wisconsin–Madison students is ready to test its futuristic high-speed transport vehicle on SpaceX’s Hyperloop test track in California.