Writer’s Choice: Hoofers hold first outdoor gear resale
For more than 40 years, Wisconsin Hoofers has been getting people outside to enjoy winter sports by outfitting them with inexpensive gear with its resale of ski equipment. Now, Hoofers is launching its first Outdoor Gear Resale and organizers hope it will also become a campus tradition.
The first Outdoor Gear Resale will be held from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. on Saturday, April 26, in Tripp Commons of the Memorial Union.
Used equipment and apparel for outdoor activities such as camping, kayaking, biking, canoeing, rock climbing and more will be available at the sale, which will be held from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. on Saturday, April 26, in Tripp Commons of the Memorial Union.
Shoppers can expect to finds deals on items from tents and car racks to bikes, canoes and climbing shoes. This sale doesn’t include ski and snowboarding equipment, but snowshoes will be available.
The equipment being sold comes from the Hoofers Outing Club stash and from members of the campus and area communities wanting to sell unused equipment. A canoe rental company will also have items for sale and the club is working to get some retail outlets involved.
Dan Hansfield, a UW–Madison junior and an organizer of the sale event, has his eye out for a great deal on a kayak: “It’s an activity I have wanted to get more involved in for a long time but usually it is hard to find a great deal on all the startup gear.” He’s also in the market for a commuter/mountain bike to replace his current ride.
The sale benefits those with unused gear and people looking for additional equipment. The sale is a bonus for those curious about a sport or activity, as they can get started for a much smaller investment.
Those with gear to sell just need to drop it off and the Hoofers Outing Club will take care of the rest. Those selling gear will not only get some money from unused equipment, they’ll also benefit Hoofer’s programming; 15 percent of sales will be deducted from the sale price and returned to Hoofers to support club activities, purchase new equipment and launch new community outreach activities. The seller sets the price of items to be sold.
Gear to be sold may be dropped off from 5–9 p.m. on Thursday, April 24, in the Hoofers Lounge; and from 3–9 p.m. on Friday, April 25, in Tripp Commons.
Those with many items to sell may request a seller’s list and price tags; Hoofers will even arrange for extra helping hands to help unload the items. For safety reasons, they cannot accept used helmets or climbing safety gear.
The Hoofers Outing Club, one of six Hoofers clubs, is an outdoor education and recreation club. Members include students, faculty, staff and community members. Activity groups include backpacking, canoeing, caving, cross-country and telemark skiing, mountain and road biking, sea and whitewater kayaking, and top-rope climbing. Lessons and most equipment usage are free for club members.
Hoofers membership is open to all UW–Madison students, faculty, staff and Wisconsin Union members; anyone can join the Union.
For more information on the sale or Hoofers and the Outing Club, call the Hoofers office, 262-1630. To request a seller’s list and tags, e-mail info@hooferouting.org.