Worried about influenza?
Flu shot clinics will be held for faculty and staff this month. The clinics are sponsored by the Safety Department and Home Health United. Those who bring insurance cards from Dean, Group Health, Physicians Plus or Unity will not be charged; for others, the charge is $15.
All clinics will be held 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Dates and locations are: Monday, Nov. 18, 3083 Grainger Hall; Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2643 Engineering Hall; Wednesday, Nov. 20, 103 Ingraham Hall; Thursday, Nov. 21, 338 Brogden Hall (Psychology); Friday, Nov. 22, 132 WARF Office Building and Monday, Nov. 25, 1104 Biotechnology Center.
Students can obtain flu shots at no cost from University Health Services.