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World music fest debuts at theater

September 7, 2004 By Barbara Wolff

From Basque accordionists to Romany orchestral artists, from dervish trances to African drums, the first annual World Music Festival promises artists from around the globe and down the street.

The product of a wide-ranging collaboration among several UW–Madison academic units and county, city and private entities, the festival is being held in conjunction with the Chicago World Music Festival and Lotus World Music Festival in Bloomington, Ind. Artists scheduled for the Madison program include the Basque dance music of Kepa Junkera, Boban Markovic’s 12-member Romany brass band, the Brazilian jazz of Choro Sax Brasil, Lian de Cubal’s blend of Spanish and Celtic traditions, the Whirling Dervishes of Rumi, Eva Ayllon’s Peruvian Creole music, Karsh Kale “urban raag” (East Indian reggae) and the African Showboyz, whose brother act features drumming, fire twirling, glass-eating and dance.

The four-day festival will run Thursday, Sept. 16-Sunday, Sept. 19. All events are free and open to the public. A compilation CD is available from Esty Dinur, 262-3907, For a complete schedule of performances and artists, visit