Wisconsin Alumni Student Board seeks new leadership
The Wisconsin Alumni Student Board (WASB) is looking for fun-loving, enthusiastic Badgers as part of its spring 2004 membership drive. The organization will be holding an informational session at the Wisconsin Alumni Association (WAA) on Tuesday, April 13.
WASB is a nonprofit, student-run organization sponsored by WAA. Each year, it organizes events and activities aimed at connecting with UW students past, present and future. One such event is the All-Campus Party (ACP) 2004, a weeklong festival providing alcohol-alternative and cost-free entertainment for students, faculty, staff and community members. Those interested in learning more about WASB are encouraged to attend the April 13 session that begins at 7 p.m. at WAA, 650 N. Lake St.
Badgers who want to develop their leadership skills and make long-lasting friendships should fill out an application form at http://www.uwalumni.com/wasb. Applications are also available at the Red Gym, ARCH locations, Multicultural Student Center and WAA. Applications must be submitted to WAA by Friday, April 16.