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Who Knew?

November 28, 2000

Who Knew?

Q. Why are the green emergency phones on campus being replaced?
A. The university has adopted a new type of phone as a campus standard. Facilities Planning and Management is upgrading and replacing the green emergency and non-standard phones with new Code Blue Model 3000 phones.

“They will meet the need for standardization, uniformity and high profile visibility and will be [Americans with Disabilities Act] compliant,” says UW–Madison Police Security Supervisor Michael Gruber.

Phone improvements include:

  • A blue light at the top illuminates each phone to increase visibility.
  • A button activates each phone instead of lifting the receiver.
  • During activation, the blue light flashes to assist officers in identifying the location of the emergency.

Pedestal-style phones are painted cardinal red and wall-mounted phones are stainless steel.

Eighty-five emergency phones are in various locations, says UW Electric Shop supervisor Kurtis Johnson.

Prompt reporting of an emergency is key to speedy response and intervention.