UW–Madison opens Center for the First-Year Experience
The Center for the First-Year Experience (CFYE), formerly Orientation and New Student Programs, officially opened this month.
The new center will retain and build on the success of current orientation programs, while coordinating efforts to establish a yearlong, in- and out-of-classroom, first-year experience.
CFYE’s primary goal is to enhance academic and personal outcomes for new students by shaping a campus environment that encourages and supports positive academic and social engagement and learning, says director Wren Singer.
Central to this work will be the goals of Liberal Education America’s Promise (LEAP) and the Wisconsin Experience, which both have roots in the first year of college. A strong first-year experience will set students on the path to fulfilling the learning objectives to which the campus and UW System are committed.
The CFYE will continue its long-standing work with Student Orientation Advising and Registration (SOAR) and welcome programs, and will significantly expand involvement in first year courses, advising, tutoring, faculty and teaching assistant development, and research.
Questions and comments can be addressed to Singer at wsinger@odos.wisc.edu.