UW-Madison to introduce new messaging system
A new, state-of-the-art automated broadcast messaging and paging system is coming to UW–Madison. The new system will provide speech-enabled directory assistance, with operator backup during normal business hours. The 24-hour service, operated by the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) will replace the current Directory Assistance and Messaging service on July 1, 2003.
In addition to handling directory assistance for campus and state agencies, the new system will handle requests for information from the Campus Information and Visitor Center (CIVC). Combining Directory Assistance and the CIVC into one system will reduce confusion and expedite caller requests, since each receive calls that are intended for the other. Callers will be able to obtain phone numbers, campus and visitor information, email addresses and schedules for campus events from the same call. The system can also send broadcast messages and pager calls. The directory assistance number will continue to be (608) 262-1234.
The change is a cost-saving measure, prompted by a steady decline in the number of directory assistance calls, from 900,000 during 1994 to 300,000 in the past year. The annual cost of the new automated system will be half that of the current operator-based directory assistance service.
The current operator staff will be reduced as the new service is implemented. Implementation is anticipated during the summer. The staff has been informed of the change. DoIT human resources is assisting them as they prepare to seek other employment.
Among the services that will be discontinued are departmental and individual messaging and non-telephone services.