UW-Madison faculty sabbaticals 2000-2001
At the December Board of Regents meeting, 2000-2001 sabbaticals were approved for the following UW–Madison faculty.
- Abbott, David, Obstetrics and Gynecology/ Primate Center
- Adler, Hans, German
- Anderson, Dan, Actuarial Science/ Risk Management and Insurance
- Angenent, Sigurd, Mathematics
- Banfield, Jillian, Geology and Geophysics
- Barham, Bradford, Agricultural and Applied Economics
- Bauman, Steven, Mathematics
- Berg, William, French and Italian
- Berridge, Craig, Psychology
- Bilbija, Ksenija, Spanish and Portuguese
- Black, B. Sarah, Child and Family Studies
- Brenner, Rachel, Hebrew and Semitic Studies
- Brualdi, Richard, Mathematics
- Bunn, Henry, Anthropology
- Card, Claudia, Philosophy
- Chavez, Monika, German
- Chen, Gwang-Tsai, E. Asian Language and Literature
- Chubukov, Andrey, Physics
- Clayton, Murray, Plant Pathology/Statistics
- Cooper, John, History
- Cronon, William, History
- Dobson, Ian, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Dolinin, Alexander, Slavic Languages
- Dong, Wei, School of Human Ecology
- Douthitt, Robin, Consumer Sciences
- Drewal, Henry, Art History
- Dumesic, James, Chemical Engineering
- Durlauf, Steven, Economics
- Earp, Lawrence, Music
- Enc, Berent, Philosophy
- Gellman, Samuel, Chemistry
- Goldman, Irwin, Horticulture
- Goodkin, Richard, French and Italian
- Goodman, James, Computer Sciences
- Goodman, Robert, Plant Pathology
- Green, Gary, Rural Sociology
- Hamers, Robert, Chemistry
- Handelsman, Jo, Plant Pathology
- Harari, Paul, Human Oncology
- Hardin, Jeffrey, Zoology
- Harmatuck, Donald, School of Business
- Holliday, Vance, Geography
- Horwitz, Susan, Computer Sciences
- Hoyt, James, Journalism and Mass Communication
- Hutchinson, Steven, Spanish and Portuguese
- Inman, J Jeffrey, School of Business
- Ives, Anthony, Zoology
- James, Stanlie, Afro-American Studies
- Ji, Li Li, Kinesiology
- Johnson, Richard, Statistics
- Kazamias, Andreas, Educational Policy Studies
- Kidwell, John, Law School
- Kiessling, Laura, Chemistry
- King, Marna, Theatre and Drama
- Koza, Julia, Curriculum and Instruction
- Krainer, Robert, School of Business
- Kratochwill, Thomas, Educational Psychology
- LaGro, Jr., James, Urban and Regional Planning
- Landis, Clark, Chemistry
- Larbalestier, David, Materials Science and Engineering
- Livny, Miron, Computer Sciences
- Loeser, Thomas, Art
- Longinovic, Tomislav, Slavic Languages
- Lorenz, Robert, Mechanical Engineering
- Lucas, Stephen, Communication Arts
- Lutfi, Robert, Communicative Disorders/ Waisman Center
- Macken, Marlys, Linguistics
- Madureira, Luis, Comparative Literature
- Maher, Jr., Louis, Geology and Geophysics
- Malpezzi, Stephen, Real Estate
- Marks, Nadine, Child and Family Studies
- Moore, Colleen, Psychology
- Odden, Allan, Educational Administration
- Payne, Stanley, History
- Penner, Terrence, Philosophy
- Reps, Thomas, Computer Sciences
- Rittenberg, Larry, School of Business
- Saiz, Prospero, Comparative Literature
- Schatzberg, Eric, History of Science
- Secada, Walter, Curriculum and Instruction
- Seidman, Gay, Sociology
- Serlin, Ronald, Educational Psychology
- Shah, Hemant, Journalism and Mass Communication
- Shapiro, Vadim, Mechanical Engineering
- Smith, James E, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Snowdon, Charles, Psychology
- Solomon, Denise, Communication Arts
- Spear, Thomas, History
- Sprott, Julien C, Physics
- Staiger, Robert, Economics
- Tesfagiorgis, Freida, Afro American Studies
- Thompson, J Craig, Marketing
- Tigges, Leann, Rural Sociology
- Walker, James, Economics
- Wallace, Ronald, English
- Warfield, Terry, School of Business
- Weidanz, William, Medical Microbiology and Immunology
- Whitehead, Neil, Anthropology
- Wolleat, Patricia, Counseling Psychology
- Woodson, Robert, Medicine/Hematology
- Zamora, Margarita, Spanish and Portuguese