UW health officials: Campus drinking water is safe
Recent news coverage has highlighted the issue of elevated levels of manganese (greater than 50 micrograms per liter) found in Madison Water Utility wells No. 3 and No. 10.
The University of Wisconsin–Madison campus and University Research Park are not served by either of the affected wells, according to Rick Johnson, director of the Environmental Health Program at University Health Services (UHS).
Throughout the year, the campus receives drinking water from several other Madison wells (wells No. 6, 17, 18, 19, 24 and 27). All of these wells have been thoroughly tested and found to have manganese levels less than 50 micrograms per liter, Johnson says.
“Campus tap water is absolutely safe to drink and use,” he says.
New building construction taking place on campus and annual water main flushing planned for this summer may cause some campus buildings to experience temporary episodes of discolored water.
The discoloration is caused by the disturbance of sediment in the water main pipes during construction and flushing. The sediment usually contains iron and manganese minerals, so discolored water should not be used for cooking or drinking.
Allowing the water tap to run until the water is clear and colorless will eliminate the suspended sediment and reduce manganese to an acceptable level. However, the discolorations should be temporary and are not indicative of a broader concern, he says.
Madison residents served by wells No. 3 and 10 are encouraged to observe advisories issued by the Public Health Department of Madison and Dane County.
As a health precaution, customers served by these two wells have been advised to use properly treated bottled water for infants under six months of age and for persons with liver disease. Persons over the age of six months and without liver disease can drink and cook with the water from these wells as long as the water is not discolored with suspended sediment.
For more information about the Madison Water Utility, visit http://www.ci.madison.wi.us/water/
For more information on campus water quality, please contact the Environmental Health Program at University Health Services (UHS) at (608) 262-1809.