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UT to perform work by former Czech president

October 14, 2003

Those employed by bureaucracies doubtless will want to attend the University Theatre production of the play “The Memorandum,” the second play by former Czech president Vaclav Havel. The Soviets banned it along with Havel’s other works when they invaded the country in 1968.

This production, directed by Robert Skloot, professor of theatre and drama, opens Friday, Oct. 17, and continues Saturday, Oct. 18; Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 23-25; Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 29 and 30; and Saturday, Nov. 1. All shows begin at 7:30 p.m. in Vilas Hall’s Hemsley Theatre. Seats are not reserved and are $16, $12 for UW–Madison students. Information: Vilas Hall Box Office, 262-1500.