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UHS Counseling Services moves to new offices

June 6, 2005

The Counseling and Consultation Services (C&CS) of University Health Services (UHS) will be closed from Tuesday, June 7, to Tuesday, June 14, to accommodate the unit’s move from 905 University Ave. to offices at 115 N. Orchard St.

Medical services at the UHS flagship office at 1552 University Ave. will be open during regular business hours. Urgent psychiatric and crisis services will continue to be available around the clock by calling (608) 265-5600.

The building at 115 N. Orchard is located about a half block south of Dayton Street, close to Union South, Engineering Library and Computer Sciences. A map of the new site is available online.

All UHS counseling and consultation services will be located in the new building, including individual and group counseling, psychiatry and massage therapy. The Campus Rape Crisis Center also is moving to the new location.

C&CS eventually will rejoin UHS as part of the University Square development, which is slated to be finished in the next three to four years.

In addition to C&CS, the move also will affect the McBurney Disability Resource Center, offices of the Division of Continuing Studies, and the College of Letters and Science/School of Human Ecology Career Services. These units will be relocated to the W.S. Middleton Building, 1305 Linden Drive. Moving dates have not yet been set.

The building at 905 University Ave., once home of the First Wisconsin Bank, will be removed to make way for a new MBA wing of Grainger Hall, which will face the intersection of Park Street and University Avenue.