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Two writers in residence to speak

October 21, 2003

An Emmy-winning network-news veteran who now runs a public-policy center on state government, and an award-winning business reporter and editor will give public lectures as part of the Writer in Residence Program.

Ed Fouhy, executive director of the Pew Center on the States, will be on campus Monday-Friday, Oct. 27-31, as the public affairs writer in residence. He will make a presentation titled “The Evolution of War Reporting” on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 3 p.m. in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication’s Nafziger Room, on the fifth floor of Vilas Hall. The talk is part of this year’s Mass Communications Research Center Colloquium series.

Brian Dumaine, editorial director for Fortune Small Business magazine, will visit campus the following week, Monday-Friday, Nov. 3-7, as the business writer in residence. Dumaine’s talk, titled “Inside the Mind of the Entrepreneur,” is scheduled for 4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4, in 3180 Grainger Hall.

Both events are free and open to the public.

Fouhy has worked as a reporter, news producer and news executive for more than 30 years. He joined CBS News in 1966 and was Saigon bureau chief at the height of the war. He held other positions with CBS News and, later, ABC News and NBC News. At the Pew Center on the States, Fouhy oversees an online news and policy resource that tracks and reports on innovative public policy at the state level.

Before coming to Fortune Small Business, Dumaine worked at Fortune for 20 years. He was an assistant managing editor and international editor, in charge of the magazine’s Asian and European editions. As editorial director of Fortune Small Business, Dumaine writes and edits stories about the world of the entrepreneur and helps guide the magazine’s coverage of small, fast-growing businesses.

The Writer in Residence Program is sponsored by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, and University Communications, with support from the UW Foundation. The public affairs program is cosponsored by the LaFollette School of Public Affairs and the business program is cosponsored by the School of Business.

In addition to the public talks, both journalists will speak to journalism, political science and business classes, consult with individual students, faculty and staff, and meet with local journalists.