Track and running clubs sponsor fitness walk
The Wisconsin Track Club and the Running Club at UW–Madison are co-sponsoring a non-competitive walk on Thursday, June 24, from 6-8 p.m. as a way of encouraging people to become interested in physical fitness. Members of the university community and the general public are invited to participate in the event.
Registration will begin at 5 p.m. at the McClimon Memorial Track/Soccer Complex, 702 Walnut St. The event is free for club members and $4 for non-members.
The walk will begin at McClimon and will include markers showing distances run in the Olympics, along with some track and university-related trivia, according to the track club’s Jim Reardon.
The Wisconsin Track Club has put on all-ages track meets every summer at McClimon for the past 10 years, but this is its first attempt at sponsoring a walk. Participants can earn points in the Madison Area Fitness Series. At the end of the year, people with the most points in that series will receive prizes.
“As part of the Fitness Series, a number of local running groups are adding walking events to their schedules,” Reardon says. “Not everyone is interested in competing on the track, but we welcome anyone who would like to improve his or her fitness to participate in this walk or in our track meets or both.”
The club has track meets scheduled for June 24, July 1 and July 8, starting at 6 p.m. at the McClimon track.
For more information, contact Reardon at or call (608) 288-0359. For more on the Madison Area Fitness Series sponsored by RSVP of Dane County and AARP, go to the Madison Area Fitness Series Web site.