Tornado drill planned for April 20
Gov. Jim Doyle has proclaimed this week as Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week in Wisconsin. All state agencies, including UW–Madison, have been directed to conduct a mock tornado drill on Thursday, April 20.
If severe weather occurs anywhere in the state on April 20, the drill will be rescheduled for Friday, April 21.
The entire university community will participate in the exercise, which will begin with the issuance of a mock tornado watch at 1 p.m., followed by a mock warning at 1:20 p.m. Outdoor warning sirens, radio and TV stations, and weather radios will all sound the warning.
When the drill commences, all employees and students must report to designated shelter areas and wait five minutes before returning to work or classes.
The purpose of the drill is to ensure that everyone knows what to do and where to go in the event of a real tornado or severe weather warning. Deans, directors and supervisors have been asked to inform employees and students about proper emergency procedures and appropriate shelter locations on campus.
Faculty and other teaching staff are being asked to announce the planned drill at the start of their classes and to identify nearby safe locations.
Madison Metro suspends bus service during tornado warnings and instructs riders to exit the bus and seek shelter in the nearest building.
The UW Safety Department offers this advice on what to do in the event of a tornado warning: Go directly to an enclosed, windowless area in the center of the building. Interior stairwells and below-grade hallways are often good places to take shelter. If you are in a lecture hall with wide-span ceilings, move to smaller, interior spaces. Crouching in doorways or under sturdy furniture will give additional protection. Avoid windows and do not use elevators. If you are outdoors, seek shelter in the interior of the nearest building.
For questions, contact Jeff Schiller at the Safety Department, 265-9080,, or UW Police Lt. Johnnie Diamante, 263-1464,