TIP: Perspectives on terror attacks
July 7, 2005
TO: Editors, News Directors
FROM: Brian Mattmiller, (608) 262-0930, bsmattmi@wisc.edu
RE: Perspectives on the terror attacks in Britain
Reporters seeking local perspectives on today’s series of terror attacks in London may consider the following experts at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Faculty on this list can offer insight on terrorism and on the political, economic and diplomatic implications of the attacks occurring during the start of the G8 Summit.
- British and European politics: Graham Wilson, professor and chair, political science, who just returned from a trip to England, (608) 263-2241 or gwilson@polisci.wisc.edu.
- Economic impacts of terrorism: Steven Durlauf, Kenneth J. Arrow professor of economics, (608) 263-3859, sdurlauf@ssc.wisc.edu
- Victim response to terrorism: Burr Eichelman, professor, psychiatry, (608) 219-5272, bseichelman@wisc.edu
- International terrorism: David Leheny, assistant professor, political science, (608) 262-5701, dleheny@wisc.edu
- Terrorism and Middle East connections: Flagg Miller, assistant professor, anthropology, (608) 262-0695, wfmiller@wisc.edu
- Public attitudes about terrorism and civil liberties: Dietram Scheufele, professor, journalism and mass communication, (608) 263-3074, scheufele@wisc.edu
Tags: research