Tag Research
Researchers embrace and reap benefits of Electronic Lab Notebooks
In the fall of 2014, University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers gained a new option for storing and organizing experimental data, notes and procedures: the campus Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) system. Since then, nearly 100 labs across campus have begun to use it.
Mycologist says our close relatives break the bounds of biology
The mushroom nicknamed "death cap" made headlines this summer when it poisoned Syrian refugees fleeing through Eastern Europe.
Boundless Together, Part 2
A new commercial for UW–Madison will premiere this weekend during the Badger football game. Learn more about the people and projects highlighted in the spot.
WARF draws top inventors, entrepreneurs for fall discussion series
To cap its 90th anniversary celebration, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) is hosting a four-part discussion series exploring the cycle of innovation.