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Tag Research

New research initiative — Research Forward — builds on successes of UW2020

November 19, 2020

The initiative supports collaborative, multidisciplinary, multi-investigator research projects that are high-risk, high-impact and have the potential to fundamentally transform a field of study.

Quick, routine coronavirus testing reassures both campus and volunteers

November 16, 2020

Unlike other testing on campus, which is more likely to attract people who are sick or who believe they’ve been exposed to COVID-19, Jon Temte’s program constantly re-tests a stable population of volunteers — even when they feel fine.

Thesis-writing program shares joy of scientific research

November 5, 2020

The Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy Thesis Award Program’s mission is to both promote science literacy among the public and recruit future generations to careers in scientific research with an approachable look at the latest findings.

Trends in hurricane behavior show stronger, slower and farther-reaching storms

October 29, 2020

Global trends suggest hurricanes are getting stronger, moving more slowly over land, and deviating farther north and south of the equator. With these changes come stronger winds, increased flooding, and risks posed to cities that historically have not been hit by these types of storms.

WARF announces annual grant for UW research

October 29, 2020

The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, which obtains patents on UW inventions and licenses them to industry, has granted the university and the Morgridge Institute for Research a combined $100.3 million for 2020-21.

Cellular networks vulnerable to wildfires across U.S.

October 27, 2020

More than 430,000 cell network transceivers covering approximately 85 million people are in areas the U.S. Forest Service considers at moderate or high wildfire risk.

Summer road trip finds small streams have big impacts on Great Lakes

October 26, 2020

While decades of monitoring and regulatory efforts have paid little attention to these tiny tributaries, Mooney’s research shows that they play an outsized role in feeding algae blooms and impacting coastal waters.

Surprising communication between atoms could improve quantum computing

October 23, 2020

A group of UW physicists has identified conditions under which relatively distant atoms communicate with each other in ways that had previously only been seen in atoms closer together.

Studies investigate need for and impact of culturally aware mentorship training

October 19, 2020

“Our study suggests that mentor training should include content targeting different experiences with and perceptions about racial/ethnic diversity," says Professor of Medicine Angela Byars-Winston.

Coverage for people with pre-existing conditions improved under the Affordable Care Act

October 15, 2020

Health insurance coverage for people with chronic diseases increased by 7 percentage points after key Affordable Care Act provisions were implemented in 2014, according to the research.

Pediatric cancers share stalled gene-managing enzyme

October 15, 2020

A wildly out-of-place protein leads to haywire cells in a particularly troublesome type of rare early childhood cancer, according to University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers.

New campus effort will support inequality research

October 15, 2020

“As the nation continues to contend with racial and other inequalities, we need research to deepen and extend our understanding,” says Steve Ackerman, vice chancellor for research and graduate education.

Carnivores living near people feast on human food, threatening ecosystems

October 12, 2020

While evolution has shaped these species to compete for different resources, their newfound reliance on a common food source could put them in conflict with one another.