Tag Research
Community events to focus on Vietnam War
The Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Public Television and the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs are joining to present a series of community events next week centering around a new PBS American Experience documentary film, Two Days in October.
Princeton ecologist to give keynote address symposium
A prominent advocate for the protection of endangered species will be the keynote speaker Sept. 29 and 30 at UW–Madison's annual fall ecology research symposium.
Medical approach to psychotherapy challenged
Bruce Wampold, professor and chair of the Department of Counseling Psychology, whipped up a storm with his book, “The Great Psychotherapy Debate: Models, Methods, and Findings,”which he based on his comprehensive review of the research on psychotherapy.
Grazing dairies are economically competitive with confinement operations
Managed grazing is becoming increasingly popular with Wisconsin dairy farmers. Grazing systems reduce labor requirements and provide environmental benefits, as the cows harvest much of their own feed and spread their own manure. In addition to these benefits, a new report from UW–Madison shows that these grazing farms are economically competitive with confinement dairy operations.
Tracking Hurricane Ophelia
As Hurricane Ophelia is set to make landfall on the North Carolina coast on Wednesday or Thursday (Sept. 14 or 15), analysis techniques developed by researchers at UW–Madison's Tropical Cyclones group in the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies are helping to predict the anticipated path of the storm.
Study of health of Wisconsin springs launched
Wisconsin's rivers, lakes, wetlands and groundwater are invaluable resources that affect every Wisconsin citizen. But while the ecology of lakes, streams and wetlands has been extensively studied, knowledge of springs ecology in Wisconsin and elsewhere is limited.
Experts to brief area business leaders on outlook for economy
Four leading economists will share their insights and predictions and explore factors affecting the economy for the remainder of 2005 and into 2006 at the UW–Madison's Economic Outlook at the Fluno Center on the UW–Madison campus Friday, September 16.