Tag Research
Arsenic contamination lacks one-size-fits-all remedy
Though a worldwide problem, arsenic contamination of drinking water does not have a universal solution, recent work by UW–Madison researchers has shown.
Book documents economic, health disparities that women encounter in retirement
A new book by a UW–Madison professor addresses disadvantages that can impede women from achieving economic and health security when they retire.
Post-Kyoto environmental discussion to take place at UW–Madison
This December in Bali, new international talks will be launched to determine the successor of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change. The science has spoken. We know the problem is real, but how do we move forward with a solution?
Wildfire drives carbon levels in northern forests
Far removed from streams of gas-thirsty cars and pollution-belching factories lies another key player in global climate change. Circling the northern hemisphere, the conifer-dominated boreal forests - one of the largest ecosystems on earth - act as a vast natural regulator of atmospheric carbon levels.
Researchers examine world’s potential to produce biodiesel
What do the countries of Thailand, Uruguay and Ghana have in common? They all could become leading producers of the emerging renewable fuel known as biodiesel, says a study from the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.