Tag Research
Sweeping analysis of research reinforces media influence on women’s body image
As France's parliament considers a landmark bill that would outlaw media images glamorizing the extremely thin, psychology researchers are reporting some of the most definitive findings yet on how these images affect women.
Facility gives geology department new dimension
A geoscience visualization lab that opened last week in Weeks Hall will add a new dimension to geology research and education at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
UW-Madison part of DOE-funded ‘microgrid’ collaboration
University of Wisconsin–Madison engineers will collaborate with industrial and government partners on a $14 million project to implement a microgrid power backup system at the nation's fifth-largest incarceration facility-the Santa Rita Jail.
Scottish cattle breed tested in southwest Wisconsin
Martha Rosemeyer, visiting professor in agronomy, and colleagues are exploring whether a breed of highland cattle from Scotland might aid efforts to restore southern Wisconsin's oak savanna.
Negligent, attentive mouse mothers show biological differences
In mice, child neglect is a product of both nature and nurture, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison describe a strain of mice that exhibit unusually high rates of maternal neglect, with approximately one out of every five females failing to care for her offspring.
Erik Forsberg appointed executive director of WiCell Research Institute
Erik Forsberg has been named to the newly created position of executive director of the WiCell Research Institute. In this position, Forsberg will direct all operations of the private, non-profit institute, a supporting organization of the University of Wisconsin–Madison that provides core services to UW–Madison stem cell researchers and operates the National Stem Cell Bank.
Watching the birds: Agri-tourism could help save colorful prairie chicken
In terms of entertaining courtship rituals, few animals can hold a candle to Tympanuchus cupido -- the drummer of love, commonly known as the greater prairie chicken.
Money doesn’t grow on trees, but gasoline might
In 2003, University of Wisconsin–Madison graduate student George Huber and colleagues made hydrogen from plant sugars using nickel-tin alloy catalysts in the lab of Chemical and Biological Engineering Professor James Dumesic.
Colossal iceberg spurs speculation
The observation by UW–Madison scientists of two huge icebergs breaking off the Antarctic ice pack has set off a worldwide chain of concern.
Association of University Technology Managers honors WARF’s Cohn
Andrew Cohn, director of government and association relations for the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), received the Bayh-Dole Award from the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM).