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Tag Outreach

‘Science in Motion’ takes chemistry on the road across Wisconsin

June 15, 2018

Disappearing packing peanuts, floating mugs, color-changing solutions and skewered balloons captivated a room full of elementary students and their teachers in the style of a magic show.

UW E-Business Consortium surfs 20 years of change

June 14, 2018

The UW E-Business Consortium gathers industry executives and experts and uses a collaborative learning format dedicated to thriving, not just surviving, on the new frontier.

Ferguson back on his feet with UW’s help

June 14, 2018

Ferguson the miniature donkey is walking again after a veterinarian at the School of Veterinary Medicine amputated his deformed hoof, and a prosthetist fitted him with an artificial limb.

UW-Madison partners with Madison high schools to promote college and career readiness

June 12, 2018

In a partnership with the Madison Metropolitan School District, UW–Madison is making strides in showing high school students the opportunities they have for post-secondary education.

K-9 care

June 8, 2018

A student-run UW veterinary medical training program for Wisconsin police officer-K-9 teams took place as part of a larger technical training program at Camp Randall Stadium June 6. The session provided officers with training on taking vitals, CPR, K-9 first aid, and recognizing emergency situations such as heat stroke in their K-9 partners.

Barbershop health center will broaden its efforts to reduce health disparities with community grant

June 5, 2018

Aaron Perry, a former UW–Madison police officer who is living with diabetes, has spent years unraveling the complex relationship between black men and the world-class health care system in Dane County. He founded the non-profit Rebalanced-Life Wellness Association in 2007 to help other black men with diabetes and reduce health disparities in his community.

UW student named Newman Civic Fellow, recognized for high school outreach program

May 16, 2018

Wendy Hoang has been honored for creating a high school outreach program for Madison East High School that helps first-generation college students and students of color.

Grand Challenge Transform grants supporting interdisciplinary projects designed to back youth and families in Wisconsin

May 8, 2018

The Grand Challenges initiative developed in UW–Madison’s School of Education is awarding grants to four projects that display the potential to transform lives by supporting young people and families in Wisconsin.

Badger Ready offers second chance at completing an undergraduate degree

April 24, 2018

The new program offers a path to finishing a degree to adults 25 and older and veterans of any age who have previous college credit but no degree.

UW­–Madison to expand well-being programs for older adults in rural communities

April 19, 2018

UW–Madison School of Nursing’s Center for Aging Research and Education will advance programs that improve the health of older adults in rural communities.

Arboretum brews up partnership to turn unlikely fruits into local beer

April 16, 2018

Funk Factory of Madison is brewing two new beers flavored with ingredients from the Arboretum: Osage orange and American persimmon.

UW funds will improve app to help vets at ‘Dryhootch’ coffeehouses

April 13, 2018

Dryhootch Coffeehouse is a place dedicated to the physical and mental health of U.S. veterans, and now it will use a new grant from the UW–Madison School of Medicine and Public Health to improve an app that connects vets to vets.

High-school students find new meaning in 1962 science-literature classic at UW program

April 11, 2018

Nine hundred students from 26 high schools in Wisconsin gathered on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus to complete an intensive study of Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring.

Grad student researches native bee habitats in urban areas

April 6, 2018

In surveying Madison’s native bee populations, Vera Pfeiffer hopes to provide a better, more informed context for policies that can make the habitats we share with pollinators more biodiverse.

Three years in, UW South Madison Partnership shows strong growth

April 5, 2018

It is both a physical space and a broader philosophy, one rooted in building relationships — connecting UW–Madison with an area whose residents historically have had less access to the university.

UniverCity partners with Green County

April 4, 2018

UW-Madison's UniverCity Year has chosen Green County for the 2018-19 academic year and will work on projects to improve the sustainability, resilience and livability there.

Science Expeditions welcomes public to campus April 6–8

April 2, 2018

For three days this weekend, you can dive beneath the waves to explore shipwrecks in the Great Lakes, search for ghostly particles using a billion tons of ice and discover how we might grow food on Mars.