The recent earthquake in Haiti graphically demonstrated to the world how the impact of a natural disaster is magnified by poorly constructed housing and unplanned infrastructure.
Jeffrey Drazen, editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, will deliver the 2010 Rennebohm Lecture at the University of Wisconsin–Madison on Thursday, April 8.
During the week of June 20, the Wisconsin School of Business will direct the fourth annual Wisconsin Entrepreneurial Bootcamp for graduate students in physical and life sciences, law and engineering, among others.
Marketing and strategic communication will take center stage at this year's University of Wisconsin–Madison's School of Journalism and Mass Communication annual awards dinner.
A group of University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty have organized a teach-in on Afghanistan and Pakistan to be held on campus next weekend, March 19 and 20.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan will visit the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus Friday to highlight the department's "Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food" program.
The Family Financial Security Symposium, which will explore research examining why consumers sometimes make choices they later regret and put their families at financial risk, will be held on the UW–Madison campus April 19-20.
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will speak at the University of Wisconsin–Madison's Saturday morning commencement ceremony on May 15, Chancellor Biddy Martin announced today (March 10).
Some 300 middle- and high-school band members from Mount Horeb, Wis., will come to the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on Wednesday, March 17, for a morning of musical instruction and collaboration in a musical March madness.
More than 1,500 students from across the United States will descend on Madison from March 11-13 as the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine becomes the latest university to host the SAVMA Symposium.
On Wednesday, March 10, the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus community and guests will join in celebrating 25 years of operation at the UW–Madison Biotechnology Center.
The University of Wisconsin–Madison has always been a leader in language instruction and study abroad activities. Community members will now have a chance to experience what thousands of Wisconsin high school students have learned over the past decade: language and culture add meaning to our lives.
The Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin–Madison's Waisman Center will welcome His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to its public grand-opening celebration Saturday-Sunday, May 15-16.
The Best Shot Foundation knew the University of Wisconsin–Madison community wouldn’t want to wait on the sidelines in their fight against pneumonia. That’s why it chose Madison as one of 12 cities to host a dodgeball tournament to raise money to fight the world’s deadliest children’s disease.