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Tag College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Catching the insect bug: Insect Ambassadors spread their fascination with the six-legged world

July 11, 2007

When he was in seventh grade, Mike Hillstrom was happiest when he was playing with bugs. A dozen years later, it's still true. But now the bugs are a lot bigger and more exotic. And technically, he's not just playing.

Soil particles found to boost prion’s capacity to infect

July 6, 2007

The rogue proteins that cause chronic wasting disease (CWD) exhibit a dramatic increase in their infectious nature when bound to common soil particles, according to a new study.

Bacteriologist tabbed for prestigious NIH research award

July 5, 2007

Richard L. Gourse, a professor of bacteriology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and an expert on the critical early steps of gene expression, has received a prestigious MERIT award from the National Institutes of Health, which provides research funding for up to 10 years.

Curiosities: After rains, why do worms crawl out onto the pavement and “commit suicide”?

June 29, 2007

After a strong rain, the corpses of worms strewn across the pavement are a disgusting sight – or a pathetic one, depending on your…

Merger forms new department of forest and wildlife ecology

June 29, 2007

The departments of wildlife ecology and forestry ecology and management at the University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences are merging to become the department of forest and wildlife ecology.

Bike ride will raise funds to educate dairy, livestock farmers

May 16, 2007

On Sunday, June 10, a couple of dozen intrepid bicyclists will pump up their tires and roll out of the driveway of a farm northwest of Antigo to begin the fourth annual Ride to Farm.

State seeds stem-cell company based on UW–Madison research

May 14, 2007

Governor Jim Doyle today (May 14) gave a $1 million boost to a University of Wisconsin–Madison spin-off company during a visit to the campus lab that gave birth to its technology.

Two faculty named American Academy fellows

April 30, 2007

Two faculty members of the University of Wisconsin–Madison have been elected Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Farm Fresh Atlas makes it easy to find locally grown food

April 17, 2007

You've heard that eating food grown close to home is good for the environment, family farms, our local economy and your health. But putting local food on your plate can be a challenge if you don't know where to buy it.

Researchers seek early detection for hard-to-diagnose disease

April 10, 2007

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by infertility due to anovulation, abnormal secretion of androgens and other hormones, and insulin resistance. PCOS is the most common female endocrine disorder, affecting 4-7 percent of women in their reproductive years — the syndrome accounts for 75 percent of all anovulations. PCOS has staggering adverse physiological, psychological and financial consequences for women’s reproductive health.

Study: Prions likely more mobile in alkaline soils

March 19, 2007

Prions, the rogue proteins that cause chronic wasting disease and similar maladies, may be more mobile in soil that is more alkaline, suggests a new study by University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers.

Media effects on public attitudes toward nanotechnology

March 7, 2007

As the emerging field of nanotechnology enters the public consciousness, mass media play an important role in shaping public attitudes about the new science. But newspapers, the Internet and television do so in significantly different ways, says Dietram Scheufele, a professor of life sciences communication at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

CALS to celebrate National Landmark Status of old dairy barn

March 5, 2007

The public is invited to a program on March 28, 2007 at 7:15 p.m. to celebrate the designation of the UW–Madison’s 109-year-old dairy barn as a National Historic Landmark.

Researcher seeks ‘missing piece’ in climate change models

February 13, 2007

To most people, soil is just dirt. But to microbiologists, it is a veritable zoo of bacteria, fungi and nematodes. It's also a vast carbon dioxide factory. As these microorganisms consume carbon-based materials found in soil, they release carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere as a normal part of their metabolism.

Subtract a gene and feasting mice add no fat

August 13, 2002

Scientists have created an animal that can eat a rich, high-fat diet without adding weight or risking the complications of diabetes