Tag Chemistry
‘Science in Motion’ takes chemistry on the road across Wisconsin
Disappearing packing peanuts, floating mugs, color-changing solutions and skewered balloons captivated a room full of elementary students and their teachers in the style of a magic show.
Better solvents = better biomass conversion for biofuels and bioproducts
UW-Madison researchers are pushing for a broader understanding of solvents used to convert non-food biomass to biofuels and bioproducts, which would help them to optimize biomass conversion reactions.
Family tree traces the history of UW’s chemistry department
The current chemistry faculty is linked to the founders of modern chemistry in a 200+ year-old "chemical genealogy" laid out in three posters in the Chemistry Building.
New Faculty Focus: Heidi Dvinge
Heidi Dvinge in her lab in the Department of Biomolecular Chemistry. Robin Davies Title: Assistant professor, Department of Biomolecular Chemistry Hometown: I’m originally…
Molecular magnetism packs power with “messenger electron”
A UW–Madison lab has made a molecule that gains magnetic strength through an unusual way of controlling those spins, which could lead to a breakthrough in quantam computing.
New model reveals possibility of pumping antibiotics into bacteria
UW-Madison researchers have discovered that a cellular pump known to move drugs like antibiotics out of E. coli bacteria has the potential to bring them in as well, opening new lines of research into combating the bacteria.
New Faculty Focus: Daniel Weix
This summer, professor Daniel Weix and members of his research group joined the chemistry department, bringing with him a reputation for finding solutions that others might miss.
New technique could slash energy use in making silicon
A chemistry professor has come up with a more sustainable way to make silicon at much lower temperatures for the kind of advanced batteries used in electronics such as phones, cameras and laptop computers.
Renowned biochemical engineer Edwin N. Lightfoot passes away
Edwin Lightfoot, Hilldale Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering, passed away Monday, Oct. 2, 2017, at age 92.
Shakhashiri, presenter of popular chemistry shows, wins science education award
Bassam Shakhashiri may be best known for his live chemistry shows — such as the annual “Once Upon a Christmas Cheery in the Lab of Shakhashiri,” now 47 years old and televised around the country.
In words and glass, collaboration unlocks birth of modern chemistry
Scientific glassblower Tracy Drier creates a kaliapparat, the focus of his historical research, inside his glass shop in the basement of the UW–Madison…
UW–Madison chemist named American Chemical Society fellow
Ned Sibert is an expert in theoretical chemistry, which, rather than using hands-on experiments, uses math and computational tools to study and make predictions about chemical systems and their properties.
Chemistry professor honored for early-career teaching and research
Randall Goldsmith, whose work enables insights on a number of issues in science, is among the 13 U.S. early-career faculty members in the chemical sciences to win a 2017 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award.
UW-Madison biochemist wins Shaw Scientist Award
Ophelia Venturelli's research may lead to the ability to engineer behaviors among beneficial microbes in the gut ecosystem, which could be used to enhance their resilience to invasion by pathogens or unintended impairment from antibiotics.
High school and middle school students crystallize science
From March 1 to April 30, participating students will work to grow large and high quality crystals from safe, common materials.