Microlyte, patented by Imbed Biosciences, will compete in the $2 billion market sector of "advanced wound dressings," which are used to treat ulcers, burns, bedsores and other difficult wounds.
Two specific toxins — including the popular drug Botox — have multiple uses for treating many neuromuscular conditions, including frown lines, disabling muscle spasms and migraine headaches.
It’s no accident that researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have taken a lead role addressing the Zika virus epidemic gripping the Americas. Many of them were already at work fighting viruses and mosquito-borne diseases in Central and South America.
Researchers have shown that one infection with Zika virus protects against future infection, though pregnancy may drastically increase the time the virus stays in the body.
If replicated in human cells, the feat could one day fuel drug discovery, powerful new models for heart disease and the raw material for treating diseased hearts.
When the body has a low blood cell count, it can have trouble fighting off infection. But transfusible blood products may be in the not-so-distant future.
Since 2014, the Urban Canid Project has heavily emphasized outreach and public engagement in the study of Madison’s foxes and coyotes. So far, its efforts have met success.