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Tag Agriculture

DuPont fellowship funds address plant breeder shortage

December 5, 2007

In 2008, DuPont’s Pioneer Hi-Bred seed business will provide the plant breeding and plant genetics program with a $60,000 grant, renewable annually for five years, to support two new graduate fellowships.

UW center will lead efforts to expand farm-to-school programs in Midwest

October 22, 2007

The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has been named as lead agency in a six-state area for a new national program to encourage schools to serve more locally grown food.

Study finds dairy farming a satisfying profession — on farms big and small

October 17, 2007

What type of dairy farmer would you expect to be more satisfied with life? One who owns a large confinement farm and milks hundreds of cows, or one who milks fewer than 100 cows and relies mostly on family labor? It turns out that both answers are right.

Veterinary professor improves Wisconsin dairy industry

August 8, 2007

Ken Nordlund still remembers the skeptical face at the back of the room as he and his colleagues introduced the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine's new Transition Cow Index (TCI) to dairy farmers from around the state.

Bike ride will raise funds to educate dairy, livestock farmers

May 16, 2007

On Sunday, June 10, a couple of dozen intrepid bicyclists will pump up their tires and roll out of the driveway of a farm northwest of Antigo to begin the fourth annual Ride to Farm.

Farm Fresh Atlas makes it easy to find locally grown food

April 17, 2007

You've heard that eating food grown close to home is good for the environment, family farms, our local economy and your health. But putting local food on your plate can be a challenge if you don't know where to buy it.

Applications for beginning dairy, livestock farmers school due April 1

March 8, 2007

Prospective dairy and livestock farmers have until April 1 to apply for admission to the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.