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Survey to assess impact of student alcohol, drug use

February 21, 2005 By John Lucas

UW–Madison undergraduates soon may be receiving an invitation to participate in a survey on the impact of alcohol and other drug use.

The UW System Alcohol and Other Drug Use Survey will be conducted online to find trends in alcohol and drug use, student perceptions of use and consequences of use. The process will assure anonymity for the respondents.

Beginning the week of Feb. 21, a random sample of UW–Madison students will be invited to participate in the survey via an e-mail from campus administrators. The survey will be taking place across UW System campuses.

The results will help university administrators determine what kinds of campus health programming and services are most beneficial for students.

“We hope this survey encourages students to be open about their experiences, thoughts and observations about alcohol and drug use,” says Susan Crowley, director of prevention services at University Health Services, who has participated in the systemwide AODA committee. “The services we provide on campus can be best improved if we are able to understand the points of view of a variety of students.”

The survey is voluntary and confidential, and will be conducted through a campus-based Web site.

Students who elect to participate will receive an instant analysis of the impact of their own alcohol use, including an estimate of their average peak blood-alcohol concentration, and how their level of use compares to students nationally.

The survey is part of a systemwide Board of Regents directive to assess the levels of student alcohol and drug abuse, and the effectiveness of AODA programs.