Students urged to follow Halloween safety tips
Halloween celebrations are a Madison tradition. But the combination of large crowds, costumes and alcohol make it a particularly important time for students to be aware of their own safety and the safety of their friends and guests.
Following are safety tips to keep in mind.
Key alcohol safety tips:
- Set a limit in advance. Ask a friend to tell you when you’ve had enough.
- Eat before and while drinking.
- Avoid drinking games.
- Don’t accept drinks from strangers. Watch your drink at all times.
- Remember: No glass will be allowed on State Street. The throwing of any object will result in police attention.
General Halloween safety tips:
- Go out with friends. Stay in a group and return home with that group. Walk in well lighted areas. Check in with each other throughout the night. Designate a meeting time and place in case you get separated.
- If a friend can’t walk home on their own or passes out, don’t leave them alone. Call 911 if you are uncertain of their condition.
- Balconies and alcohol don’t mix. Always leave a balcony that seems overcrowded.
- No weapons, or realistic facsimiles of weapons, will be allowed by Madison Police as part of costumes.
- If you don’t feel like going out in the crowds of State Street, numerous other parties and events will take place around campus.
- Don’t wear a costume that inhibits or restricts your ability to see or run. Some people may take advantage of being unrecognizable in a Halloween costume. Make sure that you are in an environment where you can easily get help or get away from someone who is threatening your safety in any way.
- Dress for the weather, regardless of your costume.
- The University Housing guest policy for this weekend is a limit of one guest per host and one guest per room – this will be strictly enforced. Students will need to register their guest with the House Fellow and obtain a guest permit. Check with your House Fellow before the weekend if you plan to have visitors.
- Do not allow people into your residence hall that you do not know. Individuals who belong in residence halls have a key or the ability to call their friend to let them in. If you do let someone in the building, you assume responsibility for them and their behavior.
- Lock your door even while sleeping or elsewhere on your floor or in the hall. Always carry your key when you leave your room.
- Always carry photo identification and make sure your visiting guests carry your address and phone number with them in case they become incapacitated for any reason.
- Don’t drink and drive. There are a variety of transportation services, including the campus bus (Safe Bus), the SafeWalk/SafeRide at 262-5000, Woman’s Transit Authority at 256-7233, and the local taxi services.
- Police will be stationed throughout State Street. If you observe suspicious or criminal behavior or need immediate assistance, find an officer or call 911. 911 calls from any pay phone are free.
- If you see a crowd incident begin to occur, leave the area immediately. If you remain in the area you may be held responsible for what occurs, or accidentally become involved in a situation.
- Honor everyone’s right to live and feel safe in the Madison community, including fellow students, campus neighbors and downtown business owners. Look out for your friends and fellow students. If someone is in trouble, reach out and help them.