Student-to-student: 7 places to cry on campus before graduating
There are only a couple days left before graduation day, and there’s a lot to be sentimental about.
Maybe you’re a graduating senior, and you haven’t gotten to check off everything on your Bucky list yet. Or your parents are making you leave right after graduation, and that’s just too soon for you. Maybe you’re realizing that soon you’re going to have to do very adult-y things all on your own, like paying taxes, setting up a retirement fund and getting health insurance.
You might be sad to leave your friends, coworkers, student organizations, volunteer positions, favorite professors, the lakes, Picnic point, the ice cream, football games, classes that you really loved, State Street, naps on Bascom, Bucky’s shenanigans and the Terrace.
And if you’re not a senior, maybe you know someone who is graduating and abandoning you so that they can go off and live their life as a real adult. That’s sad too.
Or maybe it’s not the nostalgia, and you’re just stressed about finals.
Whatever your story, sometimes we just need a good cry. Here are seven spots on campus where you can discreetly feel all your feels without anyone judging you. Don’t forget to bring a stuffed animal with you for added support.
1. Lakeshore path
Find an open bench, or a nice rock somewhere facing the lake and you’re all set. In this prime location, you can cast your gaze our toward the beautiful Lake Mendota, which is not only a great view but will prevent anyone from seeing your face while you bawl. Another great perk is that the waves and the wall of trees serve to break up the sound of your sniffles a little bit, so it’s less likely that people will hear you.

A UW senior escapes to a rock along Lakeshore path, clutching her Bucky stuffed animal, tears running down her face with the realization that she soon will no longer be a student. Photo by Emily Hamer
2. Helen C. White’s outdoor balcony-like areas
Studying at College Library and need a place to just have a moment to yourself? Climb up the stairs outside to have a cry while you watch students coming in and out of the library for finals.
Most people don’t look up when they’re walking, so you’re good to look like a hot mess of emotions. And even if they do look up, you’ll be so high above them that they probably won’t see your face so you can just let it all out.

Overlooking the mass of students studying for finals, a UW student lets out a sob of pure stress. Photo by Emily Hamer
3. The Terrace — but while it’s raining
If you want a really sentimental place full of great memories for your cry, the Terrace is usually a great pick. This location isn’t normally an option, but when it’s raining — like the forecast is predicting for both Friday and Saturday — a whole world of possibilities opens up. No one goes to the Terrace while it’s raining, so you can pick pretty much any location. Sit down on a Terrace chair, start up those tear ducts, and toss away your umbrella so if anyone does walk by they just think your tears are part of the rain.
Pro tip: Play “The Sound of Silence” by Simon and Garfunkel on your phone in the background for an added level of emotion.

A UW senior breaks down in tears at the Terrace after realizing that she will soon need to become a real adult. Photo by Emily Hamer
4. Bascom Hill
While at first glance, Bascom might seem a little too public to show your vulnerable weepy self, here’s a great strategy: Take a “nap,” and put a jacket over your face to “shield yourself from the sun.” People will think you’re just caring for your skin when you’re actually having a real good cry.

A UW senior casually just taking a nap on Bascom. Photo by Emily Hamer
5. The Chazen Museum
If you’re more of a soft crier, this location is perfect for you. Just stare at a piece of art really intensely while you cry, and everyone will just think you’re choked up from the artistic beauty.

A UW senior takes one last walk through the Chazen museum, but is struck by the beauty of pure artistry. She sheds a tear. Photo by Emily Hamer
6. An empty classroom somewhere
Since classes are over, there are empty classrooms pretty much all around campus. If you sit in one with your head facing away from the door, people will just think you’re studying and walk by, leaving you in peace to have that emotional moment you need.

Comforted by a hug from her Bucky stuffed animal, a UW senior gets a little emotional about the friends she made at UW who she won’t see anymore. Good thing she’s in an empty classroom so no one can see all of her feelings. Photo by Emily Hamer
7. Bathrooms by Shannon Hall in Memorial Union
If you want somewhere really private to be emotional, bathrooms are always a good option. But sometimes it can be awkward to cry when you know someone in the stall next to you can hear. If that makes you uncomfortable, there are three or four single gender neutral bathrooms over by Shannon Hall that people generally do not use very often.
Just don’t use this option if there is an event happening (because then it gets busy and that’s rude). But on a slow day this is a great personal space to let yourself connect with your emotions during this time of endings.

Contemplating the fact that she doesn’t have a full time job yet for after she graduates, a UW student sneaks into a single-stall bathroom at Memorial Union for a quick cry. Photo by Emily Hamer
Editor’s Note: No tears were actually shed in the making of this article.