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Student information system upgrade impacts application status check and self-serve functions

November 16, 2005

From December 2-11, the University of Wisconsin’s student information system will be undergoing a major software upgrade. The system, the Integrated Student Information System (ISIS), provides the underlying data processing structure for the university, including the offices of admissions, financial aid, registrar, and bursar. ISIS is also the tool that enables prospective and current students to check their application status online, update student contact information, and view financial aid awards, among other important services.

Prospective students, applicants, and admitted students may be affected by the upgrade in the following ways:

  1. The online application status check service and other student information functions will be unavailable.
  2. The Office of Admissions staff will be unable to access the system and thus answer specific questions about applications and/or student records.
  3. Because this is a university-wide system outage, other offices such as financial aid and the registrar’s office will be unable to fully address inquiries and provide current status information.

The December 2-11 outage is a window of time during which students and the university will be unable to review application status and records online. Application processing, admission decisions, financial aid awards, and other business will continue as usual. Similarly, the online application, available at, will remain fully functional and online applications can be completed and submitted. The limitation is merely in the university’s ability to update and provide access to student status information online. When the system returns on Monday, December 12, enhanced services and updated information will be available and students will once again have full access to application status and student record information. To preview the new Student Center, click to view the Student Center online demonstration.

Prior to the December 2 upgrade, students are encouraged to view and verify application and student status online. During the December 2-11 outage, students may continue to visit the admissions Web site and/or contact the admissions office by phone at 608/262-3961 or e-mail at