Special activities will welcome new students to UW-Madison
From a hypnotist and a comedian, to Bucky Badger and the chancellor, a variety of talents will come together to make students who are new to UW–Madison feel right at home.
The occasion is Wisconsin Welcome ’03, opening this year with the Chancellor’s Convocation on Friday, Aug. 29. Speakers, including Chancellor John Wiley, from different walks of university life will put the experience into perspective for new students. The event begins at noon at the Kohl Center; lunch is included.
Other activities include:
* New Student Music Fest, Friday, Aug. 29, 9:30 p.m., Union South. Bands, solo performers and a DJ from a variety of musical genres will welcome new students to campus.
* Hypnotist Frederick Winters, Saturday, Aug. 30, 7 p.m., Wisconsin Union Theater. Winters will hypnotize several students in the audience.
* Comedian Preacher Moss, Saturday, Aug. 30, 10 p.m., Wisconsin Union Theater. Writer, humorist, activist and filmmaker, Moss has put his singular talents at the disposal of “Saturday Night Live” and Damon Wynans, among others.
* Fifth Quarter and Tailgate, Sunday, Aug. 31, 5:30 p.m., Camp Randall Stadium, Gate 15. Members of the Wisconsin Marching Band, Spirit Squad and Bucky Badger will make sure new students learn all the words to “On Wisconsin.”
* Student Government: More Than a Prom Theme, Monday, Sept. 1, 3 p.m., Memorial Union (check Today in the Union for room). Associate Students of Madison representative will discuss how new students can become active in campus politics.
* Desserts from Around the World, Wednesday, Sept. 3, 6 p.m., Red Gym, On Wisconsin room. More than 100 different countries are sending students to UW–Madison this year; here’s an opportunity to find out what they have at the end of a meal, and how to get involved with international organizations on campus.
* Sexual assault information, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Bascom Hill. One out of every eight women will be affected. Meet participants who are shattering the silence of sexual assault.
* The Middle Ages are Alive in Madison! Wednesday, Sept. 10 and 17, 5:30 p.m., Library Mall. See how the Middle Ages play out here and now, courtesy of the campus chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Both evenings will feature knights in shining armor, period dance and music, crafts and more.
According to Wisconsin Welcome coordinator Kathy Kruse, these events are intended to create a welcoming community and provide a safe environment to help students make the transition to college and form new connections. A brochure with the complete schedule will be available in both UW–Madison and private residence halls, or on the Web at www.wisc.edu/sop.
For more information, contact orientation@redgym.wisc.edu.