Spare change: To give or not to give?
Got any spare change? While walking down State Street, many UW–Madison students are approached by people asking for money.
Panhandling is a controversial practice in Madison. Laws restricting allowable panhandling locations and prohibiting aggressive panhandling are already in effect, and a mayoral committee convened by former Madison Mayor Sue Bauman recently reexamined the issue.
To provide students a forum for discussion, the Morgridge Center for Public Service, University Health Services and the Wisconsin Union Directorate will host a discussion, “Spare Change: To Give or Not to Give,” from 5-7 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, at Memorial Union (check Today in the Union for room location).
Students will be encouraged to share their experiences, examine conditions that lead to panhandling and consider ways to respond. Joe Lindstrom, supervisor of the State Street Homeless Outreach Team and a member of the Poverty Action Network, will join the discussion to share his perspectives.
The discussion is part of the Service in Action Series, programs and opportunities designed to promote quality community service and critical thinking about social issues.
For more information, contact Katherine Loving at or (608) 263-5714.