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Service learning gets notice in Timetable

November 28, 2001 By John Lucas

For the first time, service-learning classes have been specially noted in the university Timetable.

Footnotes in the Spring 2001-2002 Timetable pages should help increase visibility of service-learning classes, says Carol Gosenheimer, timetable program manager in the Office of the Registrar. A short definition of the program, along with a definition of writing-intensive courses, is also new in the beginning of the coursebook.

Coordinated through the Morgridge Center for Public Service, service learning is a teaching method, which integrates community service and community-based research into academic course work. In the context of the Wisconsin Idea, the boundaries of the classroom are extended into local, national and international communities.

Although service-learning footnotes have sporadically appeared in past editions, Morgridge Center director Mary Rouse says the Spring 2001-2002 edition is the first coordinated effort to list the classes. At least 64 have been noted and Rouse says she hopes the attention will help draw a higher enrollment.

“Based on the comments we’ve had from students, many have had service- learning classes in high school and they’re also looking for them here,” she says.

For more information about service learning classes, email Rouse,, or Morgridge Center assistant director Randy Wallar,

For registration information, visit the registrar’s Web site or call 262-3811.

Tags: learning