Seats available for Roundtable
More seating is available for the Wednesday, March 10, Roundtable with Richard J. Davidson, professor of psychology.
Davidson’s presentation on “Transforming the Mind: Brain-Body Interaction and Well-Being” has been moved to Great Hall at the Memorial Union. The program begins at 11:45 a.m.
Reservations are being taken until Tuesday, March 2.
University Roundtable involves university and community leaders speaking during the lunch hour on timely issues of interest to the campus community. The programs are open to members of the university community and their guests.
UW System President Katharine Lyall will speak on the state of the UW System on Wednesday, April 14, at 11:45 a.m. in Tripp Commons at the Memorial Union. Reservations for that are due April 7.
Each luncheon costs $9. Cancellations must be made four days in advance. Those attending may pay for the luncheons at the door, if a reservation is made by e-mail or telephone before the deadline.
Reservations are being taken until Tuesday, March 2. Cost is $9. Contact: Colleen McCabe, 263-2985,