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School of Education honors outstanding faculty, staff

April 29, 2005

The School of Education will honor seven outstanding faculty and staff members with Distinguished Achievement Awards at a reception Thursday, April 28, at the Virginia F. Harrison Parlor in Lathrop Hall. The reception will begin at 4 p.m.; the awards program will begin at 4:45 p.m.

Faculty award recipients are L. Allen Phelps, professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, and Francis Schrag, a professor in the Department of Educational Policy Studies.

Academic staff award recipients are Doreen Holmgren, university relations specialist for the Dance Program, and Anthony Milanowski, a researcher with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research.

Classified staff award recipients are Kathleen Bertin, who will receive the Claire Shaffer Award for her work in the Office of Educational Placement and Career Services; Rose Budig, financial specialist 4 for the school’s business office; and Joyce Zander, academic department supervisor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

The Claire Shaffer Award was made possible by a generous gift from Claire and Ron Shaffer. Gifts from the school’s alumni and friends support the other awards.