School of Business, ASM forum to explore ‘creating inclusive communities’
The School of Business, in conjunction with Associated Students of Madison (ASM), will host an interactive forum on Sept. 30 for the university community called “Creating Inclusive Communities in the Classroom, Boardroom, and Beyond.”
The forum – slated for 1-4 p.m. in Grainger Hall – is the first in what is expected to be a series of ongoing forums and workshops across campus that deal with topics related to diversity, inclusiveness and classroom climate. It is open to all students and employees.
Dean Michael M. Knetter will open the event with a personal welcome to attendees. Activities will include a keynote from a leading business person of color from the local community; a series of thought-provoking vignettes dramatized by a group of actors under the direction of theatre professor Patrick Sims, director of the Theatre for Cultural and Social Awareness; an interactive discussion in small group sessions; and a reaction to group and individual questions by a panel of respondents. Refreshments will be served during the afternoon.
The forum came about after a group of ASM Plan 2008 Standing Board members, led by co-chair Jeffrey Wright, met with Knetter and Assistant Dean Phil Miller last spring. ASM committee members had met with unit leaders across campus and felt that the School of Business was poised for the challenge of undertaking the first forum.
The School of Business Equity and Diversity Committee, along with selected faculty members in the School of Business, have also been involved in planning the forum. ASM has involved leaders of business student organizations in promoting the forum.
The School of Business event will follow the day after the first installment of a two-part Plan 2008 Campus Diversity Forum sponsored by several campus organizations that is being held Sept. 29 in the Memorial Union. All School of Business faculty, students and staff are encouraged to participate in this event as well.
Tags: diversity