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Roundtable plans fall speaker events

October 4, 2005

University Roundtable begins its fall schedule on Wednesday, Oct. 19, with Gary Sandefur, dean of the College of Letters and Science. He’ll talk about “The Beat Goes On: Maintaining the Healthy Heart of a Great University.”

On Wednesday, Nov. 16, Edward Churchwell, professor of astronomy, will speak about “A New View of Our Galaxy as Seen Through the Eyes of the Spitzer Space Telescope.”

Guest artists will present music and merriment for the holiday season on Wednesday, Dec. 14, at “Ornaments in Our Midst.”

Buffet lunches begin at 11:45 p.m. in Tripp Commons; the Dec. 14 event will be held in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. Cost is $9 per person, or the three-luncheon series price is $25 if paid in full by Monday, Oct. 10. Reservations are required, and the deadline to reserve space is a week before each event.

To make a reservation, send a check made out to UW Roundtable to Colleen McCabe, 270 Bascom Hall, 500 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53706.