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Roller named senior assistant to dean of Letters and Science

December 7, 2004

College of Letters and Science Associate Dean Judi Roller has been named senior assistant for cross-college initiatives and diversity initiatives at the graduate level.

She starts in the position Jan. 3.

Roller has headed the college’s Student Academic Affairs unit for five years. L&S Student Academic Affairs holds college-level responsibility for academic advising, diversity initiatives and official academic actions for UW–Madison’s largest academic unit. L&S comprises 39 departments and five professional schools, and enrolls more than half of all UW–Madison students. Most freshmen students enter the university through L&S.

Under Roller’s leadership, Student Academic Affairs has worked with L&S departments and programs to develop and manage the First Year Interest Groups program, which has become a vital component of efforts to engage students in cross cultural understanding and helps studentsmake a successful transition in their first college semester.