Philosopher Brighouse to discuss ethics in politics Oct. 8
“Ethics in Politics? A Look at the Wisconsin Elections” is the topic of a talk scheduled Tuesday, Oct. 8, by Harry Brighouse, University of Wisconsin–Madison professor of philosophy. The lecture will begin at 7 p.m. at the Stoughton Public Library, 304 S. 4th St.
The free public lecture is the second in the series Humanities Forums on Contemporary Issues sponsored by the UW–Madison Center for the Humanities and the Dane County Library Service, with support from the UW–Madison Division of Continuing Studies. Brighouse will look at the ideal of a just society and explain what it means for Wisconsin politics today.
Brighouse is a political philosopher who has written numerous articles about social justice and has been involved in politics as an activist since he was 14. He is also an expert on education policy and is a frequent commentator in the national media in the United Kingdom. His most recent book is called “School Choice and Social Justice.” For information about the lecture series, call (608) 263-3409.
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