Robert Skloot, professor of theatre and drama, will hold the Walt Whitman Chair in American Culture Studies for teaching at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, for the 2005 spring semester. The award is made possible through the Fulbright Program.
Seventeen UW Medical School faculty and staff completed 30 years of Medical School service in the last fiscal year. Dean Philip M. Farrell honored them at a University Club luncheon on Jan. 14. They are: Richard E. Appen, ophthamology and visual sciences; William A. Craig, medicine; Norman C. Fost, pediatrics; Kennedy W. Gilchrist, pathology and laboratory medicine; Alan S. Gurman, psychiatry; James P. Gustafson, psychiatry; John K. Harting, anatomy; Leta A. Hensen, medical illustration and photography; Thomas C. Jackson, medicine; Robert J. Nickles, medical physics; Dianne M. Schmidt, surgery; John E. Sheehan, oncology; Julie R. Turk, administration; Condon R. Vander Ark, medicine; Kathleen E. R. Wiese, Comprehensive Cancer Center; Kathryn D. Wilson, biomolecular chemistry; James A. Zagzebski, medical physics.
Elmer Marth, professor emeritus of bacteriology, food microbiology and toxiciology, and food science, received the National Cheese Institute’s Laureate Award, for his lifelong dedication to researching and teaching cheese safety.
Harvey M. Jacobs, professor of urban and regional planning, has published “Private Property in the 21st Century: The Future of an American Ideal” (2004, Edward Elgar in cooperation with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy). The edited volume contains contributions from an interdisciplinary, politically diverse set of contributors. Daniel W. Bromley, the Anderson-Bascom Professor of Applied Economics, also contributed.