Larry Bundy, professor of soil science, received a UW-Extension Award for Excellence for outstanding education and applied research that promotes efficiency among Wisconsin’s farms and informs agricultural policy across the state.
Gene DeFoliart, emeritus professor of entomology, was honored at a symposium held Oct. 29 in Cincinnati, Ohio, as part of the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America. “Eating Healthy: Nutritional Aspects of Insectivory,” honored his work on insects as a global food resource.
Patricia Lasky, recently retired executive associate dean and professor, School of Nursing, received a UW-Extension Friend of Extension Award for supporting and promoting university outreach programs and providing leadership for the statewide Collaborative Nursing Program.
Archana Vasanthakumar, plant pathology graduate student, was one of just 16 student members chosen to receive a 2003 student travel award from the American Phytopathological Society, a scientific organization dedicated to the study and control of plant disease. The award helped Vasanthakumar cover the cost of attending the society’s annual meeting in Charlotte, N.C., where she presented her research on cranberry stem gall.