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September 23, 2003


Dennis R. Buege, professor and UW Extension meat scientist, received the 2003 American Meat Science Association Signal Service Award. The award is given to AMSA members in recognition of devoted service and lasting contributions to the meat industry and to the association.

Henry J. Drewal, professor of art history, was awarded a senior research Fulbright grant for work in West Africa in spring 2004. He also received a Senior American Institute of Indian Studies Fellowship for work on the African diaspora in India for December 2003-March 2004.

Robert Hauser, former director of the Institute for Research on Poverty and current director of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, won the 2003 Award for Distinguished Teaching from the American Sociological Association. Hauser is Vilas Research Professor of Sociology and a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

Sally Sieloff Magnan, Pickard-Bascom Professor of French in the Department of French and Italian, was awarded the rank of Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques. The rank, established in 1808 by Napoleon, is a prestigious decoration awarded by the French government for contributions to the advancement of French language, culture, education and the arts.

Julia K. Murray, professor of art history, received a Guggenheim Fellowship for her project on the history of the complex site of Kongzhai, a monument to Confucius that stood some 25 miles west of Shanghai, China.


Nicole Borges has been hired as openweight varsity assistant rowing coach. She has spent the last five years coaching at Vashon Island Rowing Club in Vashon Island, Wash., the University of Washington and at the Toronto Boulevard Yacht Club.

Carren Martin, Orientation and New Student Programs, has been elected executive secretary/ treasurer of the National Orientation Directors Association for 2003-06. NODA is the country’s leading professional organization dedicated to fostering quality orientation, transition and retention programs at colleges and universities.


Gudrun Buhnemann, professor of Languages and Cultures of Asia, has published Mandalas and Yantras in the Hindu Traditions (E.J. Brill).

V. Joseph Hotz, Institute for Research on Poverty affiliate, and John Karl Scholz, IRP director, are authors of the chapter on the Earned Income Tax Credit in “Means-Tested Transfer Programs in the United States,” edited by Robert A. Moffitt (University of Chicago Press).

Other milestones

Dean Duerst became the winningest women’s soccer coach in school history Sept. 9 when Wisconsin defeated Marquette 3-0. Duerst earned his 109th win as Badger head coach, moving him past his predecessor, Greg Ryan, who recorded 108 wins from 1986-93.