The McBurney Center has welcomed three new staff: Ebonee Johnson will be interning with the center for the 2010–11 academic year. She is a doctoral student in the rehabilitation psychology department and serving her practicum at McBurney. Johna Phillipson will work with students with mobility disabilities and will lead the center’s efforts to improve transition services for students throughout their collegiate experience. Kathryn Mazack is an accommodation specialist primarily working with students with chronic health disorders and students who have autism or Asperger’s disorder and provide backup support to other members of the accommodations team.
Jeanan Yasiri, executive director of the UW–Madison Center for Nonprofits, has received the 2010 School of Human Ecology Excellence in Outreach Award. Yasiri was selected based on her work in establishing the Center for Nonprofits and her innovations in outreach, particularly the Communiversity series. The award carries a $1,000 professional development stipend provided by Human Ecology and the Morgridge Center for Public Service.
The following promotions and new appointments with tenure are effective for 2010–11:
Promotion from assistant to associate professor
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences:
Jean-Michel Ane, agronomy; Nicolas Balster, soil science; Johanne Brunet, entomology; Janet Gilmore, natural resources-landscape architecture; Shelley Janskey, horticulture; Paul Mitchell, agricultural and applied dconomics.
College of Letters & Science:
Stanislav Boldyrev, physics; Preeti Chopra, languages and cultures of Asia; Joshua Coon, chemistry; Christina Ewig, gender and women’s studies; Mark Hetzler, School of Music; Sara Hotchkiss, botany; Rania Huntington, East Asian languages and literature; Song Jin, chemistry; Katherine Magnuson, School of Social Work; Robert McDermott, physics; Mario Ortiz-Robles, English; Marisa Otegui, botany; Sean Paul, mathematics; Kristine Phillips Court, French & Italian; Thomas Purnell, English; Eric Raimy, English; Timothy Rogers, psychology; Tracy Schroepfer, School of Social Work; Patrick Sims, theatre and drama; Jean-Luc Thiffeault, mathematics; Ruth Turley, sociology; Marc Vallon, School of Music; Lyn Van Swol, communication arts; Michael Xenos, communication arts; Huifang Xu, geoscience; Susan Yackee, LaFollette School of Public Affairs; Zhengjun Zhang, statistics.
School of Medicine and Public Health:
Bradley Christian, medical physics; Sinisa Dovat, pediatrics; Jenny Gumperz, medical microbiology and immunology; Peiman Hematti, medicine; Christina Hull, biomolecular chemistry; Jack Nitschke, psychiatry; David O’Connor, pathology and laboratory medicine; Manish Patankar, obstetrics and gynecology; Luigi Puglielli, medicine; David Rakel, family medicine; Scott Reeder, Radiology; Christine Seroogy, pediatrics; Igor Slukvin, pathology and laboratory medicine; Susan Thibeault, surgery; Xin Sun, genetics; Akihiro Ikeda, genetics.
School of Education:
Eric Camburn, educational leadership and policy analysis; Lisa Colbert, kinesiology; Audrey Trainor, rehabilitation psychology and special education.
College of Engineering:
Katherine Compton, electrical and computer engineering; Padma Gopalan, materials science and engineering; Irena Knezevic, electrical and computer engineering; Christos Maravelias, chemical and biological engineering; Kristyn Masters, biomedical engineering; Dane Morgan, materials science and engineering; William Murphy, biomedical engineering; Heidi-Lynn Ploeg, mechanical engineering; Izabela Szlufarska, materials science and engineering; Justin Williams, biomedical engineering.
School of Business:
Morris Davis, Jonathan Eckhardt.
School of Pharmacy:
Paul Marker. School of Nursing: Kristine Kwekkeboom. School of Veterinary Medicine: Jorge Osorio, pathobiological sciences.
Promotion from associate to full professor
School of Education:
Kelli Koltyn, kinesiology; David Rosenthal, rehabilitation psychology and special education; Michael Connors, art; Margaret Hawkins, curriculum and instruction; Nancy Mladenoff, art; Adam Nelson, educational policy studies; Kimber Wilkerson, rehabilitation psychology and special education. School of Human Ecology: Jennifer Angus, Julie Poehlmann.
College of Letters & Science
Ann Archbold, theatre and drama; Michael Chamberlain, history; David Danaher, Slavic languages; Sridhara Dasu, physics; Kurt Feigl, geoscience; Susan Johnson, history; Gloria Mari-Beffa, mathematics; Ann Smart Martin, art history; Ruben Medina, Spanish and Portuguese; Jignesh Patel, computer sciences; Jack Porter, economics; Sissel Schroeder, anthropology; Laura Schwendinger, School of Music; Gary Shiu, physics; Kristen Slack, School of Social Work; Emily Stanley, zoology; James Sweet, history; Christopher Taylor, School of Music; Harold Tobin, geoscience; Yahzen Wang, statistics; Chunming Zhang, statistics; Yongming Zhou, anthropology; Kenneth Cameron, botany; Martin Zanni, chemistry; Silvia Cavagnero, chemistry; Qiang Cui, chemistry; Ruth Litovsky, communicative disorders; Nita Sahai, geoscience; Peter Vranas, philosophy; David Danaher, Slavic languages.
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences:
Sebastian Bednarek, biochemistry; Samuel Butcher, biochemistry; Barbara Ingham, food science; Philip Townsend, forest and wildlife ecology.
School of Medicine and Public Health:
Richard Brown, family medicine; Mark Craven, biostatistics and medical informatics; Marilyn Essex, psychiatry; Catherine Fox, biomolecular chemistry; Linda Hogle, medical history and bioethics; Bermans Iskandar, neurological surgery; Vijayasaradhi Setaluri, dermatology.
College of Engineering:
Nicola Ferrier, mechanical engineering; John Gubner, electrical and computer engineering; Donald Stone, materials science and engineering. School of Veterinary Medicine: Peter Muir, surgical sciences.
School of Human Ecology:
Julie Poehlmann. School of Business: Hollis Skaife, Joann Peck.
New appointments with tenure
College of Engineering:
Paul Campagnola, biomedical engineering, medical physics.
School of Human Ecology:
Constance Flanagan, Clifton Barber. Law School: Jonathan Lipson.
College of Letters & Science:
Robin Valenza, English; Timothy Yu, English; Katherine Ewing, anthropology; Luis Tejedo-Herrero, Spanish and Portuguese.
School of Medicine and Public Health:
Michael Ip, ophthalmology and visual sciences; Kenneth Noonan, orthopedics and rehabilitation;
One hundred forty faculty, classified and academic staff were granted emerita/emeritus status upon their retirement by Chancellor Biddy Martin from July 1, 2009, to present. They are: Bonnie Abrams, School of Music; Arnold Alanen, landscape architecture; Mark Albanese, population health sciences; Dan Anderson, School of Business; Mary Anderson, geology and geophysics; James Armbrecht, Letters & Science Learning Support Services; Patricia Arnold, engineering physics; Susan Barthel, L&S Student Academic Affairs; Sharon Baumgartner, CALS international programs; Anatole Beck, mathematics; Carolyn Bell, medicine; Barbara Benson, Center for Limnology; Alda Blanco, Spanish and Portuguese; Peter Bloch, forest ecology and wildlife management; Dwight Breitbach, horticulture; Daniel Bromley, agricultural and applied economics; Reginald Bruskewitz, urology; Joseph Buongiorno, forest and wildlife ecology; John Cannon, chemical and biological engineering; Jo Ann Carr, School of Education; Michael Carter, agricultural and applied economics; Sandra Cechvala, financial aid; Francesco Cerrina, computer and electrical engineering; Mary Anne Clarke, food science; Marshall Cook, liberal studies and the arts; Sandra Courter, Engineering Professional Development; Richard Day, medicine; William Deppen, environmental health and safety; David Diercks, accounting services; Mary Dodd, Graduate School; Dennis Dorn, theatre and drama; Steven Engle, Wisconsin Union; John Fallon, anatomy; Charles Fernandez, horticulture; Gennady Fiksel, physics; Linda Foley, police department; Joan Gillman, School of Business; Timothy Gossens, School of Pharmacy; Craig Grau, plant pathology; William Grogan, physics; Ric Grummer, dairy science; James Hamre, accounting and information systems; James Hanson, continuing studies; Raymond Harris, Spanish and Portuguese; Charles Henrikson, comparative biosciences; Patricia Henrikson, Center for Biology Education, Institute for Cross-College Biology; Education; Karen Holden, consumer science; Robert Huntington, pathology and laboratory medicine; Douglas Hyslop, food science; Kathleen Irwin, Office of Legal Services; Kenneth Israel, medicine; Robert Jeanne, entomology; Edward Jesse, agricultural and applied economics; Anthony Johnson, School of Human Ecology; Susan Kabat, Air Force aerospace studies; Nancy Kaiser, German, gender and women’s studies; Bonnie Kalmbach, libraries; Ted Koch, geography; Judith Kowalchyk, biochemistry; Janet Kuhlman, radiology; Judith Leavitt, medical history and bioethics, L&S, gender and women’s studies; Jacqueline Leckwee, Preschool Lab; Richard Leffler, history; Claudia Lipke, botany; Truman Lowe, art; Pennie Maclean, School of Education; Colleen McCabe, administration; Muhammad Memon, languages and cultures of Asia; Mary Mercier, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; Bruce Micales, astronomy; Jack Mitchell, journalism and mass communication; Ernesto Monge, financial aid; Barbara Morgan, orthopedics and rehabilitation; Maureen Mullins, obstetrics and gynecology; Paul Nonn, physics; John Norback, food science; R. Bruce Orchard, electrical and computer engineering; Michael Pariza, food science, Food Research Institute; Robert Perras, College of Engineering; Richard Prepost, physics; Paul Rabinowitz, mathematics; Michael Redmond, statistics; Linda Reivitz, School of Nursing; Neil Richardson, political science; William Richner, administration; Layton Rikkers, surgery; Louise Robbins, library and information studies; Jean-Pierre Rosay, mathematics; Darlene Sayre, College of Engineering; John Scharer, electrical and computer engineering; Jeanne Schiro, business services; Suzanne Scott, design studies; Ronald Serlin, educational psychology; Robert Sessions, Steenbock Library; Susan Skochelak, family medicine; Marshall Slemrod, mathematics; Everett Smith, population health sciences; William Sonzagni, civil and environmental engineering; Dennis Stampe, philosophy; Dennis Stimart, horticulture; Mark Swandby, engineering physics; Joseph Sylvester, physics; Terri Thompson, Biotron; Judith Tuohy, libraries; Roberta Wang, continuing studies; Burton Weisbrod, economics; Virginia Werner, computer science; Mariamne Whatley, curriculum and instruction, gender and women’s studies; Mary Williamson, Wisconsin Library Services; Stephen Wittman, Aquatic Science Center; Donald Woolston, Engineering Professional Development; Nancy Worcester, gender and women’s studies; Leonard Zwilling, English.