English Professor Emily Auerbach will be honored by the Wisconsin Alumni Association (WAA) with a Cabinet 99 Award at a symposium on Nov. 3. A WAA initiative, Cabinet 99 was formed to support leadership development, mentoring and advocacy policies, and programs affecting women at the university.
Dale Bjorling, professor and chair of the Department of Surgical Sciences at the School of Veterinary Medicine, received the 2006 Waltham International Award for Scientific Achievement during the 2006 World Small Animal Veterinary Association meeting held in Prague.
The College of Engineering will honor eight alumni whose personal and professional accomplishments have broadened knowledge in cancer medicine, improved health care information technology, strengthened the role of plastics in Wisconsin’s economy, and benefited their own companies and industries in countless ways. Christine Schyvinck received the Early-Career Achievement Award, and Distinguished Achievement Awards were given to Jan Acker, Glibert Gerdman, Randy Jirtle, Mark McDougall, Gary Pruessing, James Senty and Kenneth Welton.
Jane Collins, Department of Rural Sociology and the Women’s Studies Program, has been named Evjue-Bascom Professor of Women’s Studies.
Irwin Goldman, professor of horticulture and UW–Madison faculty member since 1992, has been appointed vice dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Nadav Shelef, Department of Political Science and the Center for Jewish Studies, has been appointed Harvey M. Meyerhoff Professor of Modern Israel Studies.
Ernesto Monge, senior student services coordinator in the Office of Student Financial Services, received the Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Leadership Award for the state of Wisconsin at the group’s 2006 conference. The award is presented each year to a member from each of the nine states in the group.
Jean Bahr, chair of the Department of Geology and Geophysics, received a Distinguished Service Award from the hydrogeology division of the Geological Society of America.
Chancellor John D. Wiley has granted emerita/emeritus status to 182 faculty and classified or academic staff upon retirement during the past year. They are:
Linda Aaberg, mechanical engineering; James Abbs, neurology; Elton Aberle, College of Agricultural and Life Science and animal sciences; Patrick Ahern, mathematics; Mark Allington, entomology; Carla Alvarado, engineering experiment station; Helene Androski, libraries; Mary Baldwin, engineering academic affairs; M. Rosabel Barroilhet, Facilities Planning and Management; Carol Bartol, School of Veterinary Medicine; David Becker, School of Music; Georgia Benkart, mathematics; Kathleen Bertin, School of Education; Richard Bishop, agricultural and applied economics; Leonard Black, College of Engineering library; Jan Blakeslee, Institute for Research on Poverty; Diane Bless, communicative disorders; Kathleen Boebel, School of Education administration; Bruce Breckenridge, art; Elizabeth Breed, libraries; William Brown, history; Ronald Browne, economics; Dennis Buege, animal sciences; Therese Buros, business services; Marsha Cannon, rural sociology; Noel Carroll, philosophy; Charles Casey, chemistry; Sue Center, School of Law library; Y. Austin Chang, materials science and engineering; Michael Chial, communicative disorders; Janet Christopher, School of Business; Edward Churchwell, astronomy; James Converse, biological systems engineering; Donald Cox, physics; Steven Daggett, libraries; Ruth Dahl, School of Business; James Dahlberg, biomolecular chemistry; Donn D’Alessio, population health science, medicine; Margaret Davey, academic affairs; Ferencz Denes, biological systems engineering; Margaret Raab, dairy science; Peter Diederich, Center on Education and Work; Alger Doane, English; Jerry Doll, agronomy; Wilberta Donovan, Waisman Center; Roy Dorman, employee compensation and benefits services; Mohammad Douglah, life sciences communication; Betsy Draine, English; Alice DuBois, history; Kathleen Dwelle, Division of Information Technology; Carla Eakins, School of Medicine and Public Health; Kenneth Ebbe, Division of Information Technology; Patricia Fessenden, Division of Continuing Studies; Neal First, animal sciences; Sharon Foster, pediatrics; Kenneth Gibson, Wisconsin Union; Alan Gurman, psychiatry; Bradford Haley, animal sciences; Ralph Hamre, animal sciences; Deborah Hanson, communication arts; Robert Hawkins, School of Journalism and Mass Communication; Goran Hellekant, School of Veterinary Medicine; Victoria Hill, libraries; Charles Hill, chemical and biological engineering; Michael Hinden, English; Judith Hirsch, communicative disorders; Kent Hobson, mechanical engineering; B. Wolfgang Hoffmann, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences; Rita Hohlstein, Waisman Center; Robert Holloway, computer sciences; Ulfert Hornemann, School of Pharmacy; Larry Hubbard, ophthalmology and visual sciences; Sandra Ihle, School of Business; Thomas Jackson, medicine; Norman Jensen, medicine; Clark Jones, Division of Information Technology; Jeffrey Jones, medicine; Harold Joseph, School of Business; Janice Kalvin, Graduate School; Mary Keller, School of Nursing; Joyce Kemper, curriculum and instruction; Raymond Kent, communicative disorders; John Kirsch, zoology; Roger Klopp, Institute on Aging; Mary Konshak, College of Letters and Science; John Kreul, anesthesiology; Wayne Kussow, soil science; Peter Lalley, physiology; David Larbalestier, materials science and engineering; Donna Lewis, electrical and computer engineering; Thomas Lillesand, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; James Lindblade, obstetrics and gynecology; Daryl Lund, food science; Elsebet Lund, biomolecular chemistry; Lesleigh Luttrell, bacteriology; C. Christine Lynch, physics; John Marshall, psychology; John Mather, horticulture; Roderick Matthews, School of Business; Ellen Maurer, life sciences communication; Thomas McCarthy, medicine; Lorraine Meisner, population health science; David Mickelson, geology and geophysics; Jon Miller, communicative disorders; Vicente Montero, physiology; Eddie Mooberry, biochemistry; Robert Morse, physics, Scot Moss, ophthalmology and visual sciences; Patricia Nehm, School of Education; Alinda Nelson, libraries; Donald Nichols, economics, La Follette School of Public Affairs; John Niederhuber, surgery; Kenneth Nordsieck, astronomy; Dexter Northrop, School of Pharmacy; John Oaks, comparative biosciences; Marjorie O’Neal, Graduate School; Christine Parks, Graduate School; Richard Pauli, medical genetics, pediatrics; Diane Peterson, chemical and biological engineering; Marjorie Pfeifer, School of Human Ecology; Richard Pierce, Wisconsin Union; Jane Piliavin, sociology; Suzanne Pingree, life sciences communication; Ann Pollock, libraries; Patricia Powell, Chazen Museum; Barry Powell, classics; Fred Reames, mechanical engineering; Don Reeder, physics; Edward Reisner, Law School; Ronald Reynolds, astronomy; William Rhode, physiology; Richard Rice, pediatrics; Daniel Rich, School of Pharmacy; John Rieben, art; Bonita Rieder, sociology; Joseph Robinson, School of Pharmacy; Frederick Roesler, physics; Eric Rothstein, English; Mary Rouse, university administration; Jackie Rutledge, animal sciences; Frank Ruzicka, biochemistry; Thomas Saari, pediatrics; Stephen Salemson, UW Press; Louis Sather, Computer-Aided Engineering Center; Blair Savage, astronomy; Katherine Schmidt, horticulture; Francis Schrag, educational policy studies; Barbara Schutz, physics; Larry Seidl, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; John Selbo, student financial services; George Shook, dairy science; James Skatrud, medicine, pulmonary medicine; Edward Slotten, physics; Peter Spear, university administration; Susan Sprague, School of Business; Sandra Stark, School of Business; Ralph Stauffacher, Graduate School; Karen Stauffacher, School of Business; George Stevenson, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems; John Stott, Synchrotron Radiation Center; Michael Subkoviak, educational psychology; Steven Sundell, libraries; James Swarz, Biotron; Barry Teicher, libraries; Stanley Temple, wildlife ecology, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; Gloria Theisen, College of Letters and Science; Judith Thompson, School of Pharmacy; Kenneth Todar, bacteriology; Steven Van Ess, student financial services; Deborah Vandell, educational psychology; Marlen Vlachina, human resources; Alan Vonderohe, civil and environmental engineering; Paul Voss, rural sociology; Ann Wallace, School of Education; John Wanserski, College of Engineering library; Peter Weiler, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; Roger Williams, Division of Continuing Studies; Mary Willis, School of Nursing; Connie Wilson, Offices of the Dean of Students; Kathryn Wilson, biomolecular chemistry; Melanie Woodworth, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; Jeffrey Wyman, entomology.