Richard Amasino, Department of Biochemistry, has been elected to lead the American Society of Plant Biologists.
Thomas Jeffries, professor in the bacteriology and food sciences departments received the 2006 Chief’s Honor Award for Technology Transfer in recognition of his efforts to improve processes to make ethanol from wood.
Sam Gellman, Department of Chemistry, has won the American Chemical Society Ralph F. Hirschmann Award in Peptide Chemistry for outstanding achievements in the chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics of peptides.
Song Jin, Department of Chemistry, has been named one of MIT Technology Review magazine’s TR35 for 2006.
Laura Kiessling, Department of Chemistry, has won the American Chemical Society Francis P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal for distinguished service to chemistry by women chemists.
Christopher Kleinhenz, Department of French and Italian, was awarded the Distinguished Service Award for 2006 by the American Association of Teachers of Italian.