Learn more about campus climate issues at academic staff brown bag
An upcoming brown bag will give academic staff members a chance to talk more about issues related to campus climate in the workplace. The brown bag, sponsored by the College of Letters and Science Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI), is designed to give academic staff members a chance to ask Ruby Paredes, assistant vice provost for diversity and climate, questions.
Unlike larger forums run by the vice provost’s office, this learning session brown bag will not be a presentation, but rather an open question-and-answer format conversation in which any member of the academic staff may participate. This learning session will also focus entirely on climate. Ritt Deitz, executive director of the Professional French Masters Program and member of the College of Letters and Science CASI, will moderate the discussion.
The event will take place from noon-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21, in 260 Bascom Hall and is open to all members of the academic staff. No RSVP is required, and audience members should feel welcome to bring a lunch.