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February 25, 2003

10 days and 20 degrees apart During a storm with near whiteout conditions, first-year student Nora Shumway continues the tradition…

Series to examine feminism as global issue

February 21, 2003

The international dimensions of feminism in the 21st century will be examined this spring in a series of lectures sponsored by the A. E. Havens Center at UW–Madison. All lectures are free and open to the public.

Forum explores state-university relations under fiscal constraints

February 21, 2003

The Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education is sponsoring a forum Feb. 26 that will look into ways to confront the budgetary challenges facing public universities across the country.

UW-Madison to introduce new messaging system

February 21, 2003

A new, state-of-the-art automated broadcast messaging and paging system is coming to UW–Madison. The new system will provide speech-enabled directory assistance, with operator backup during normal business hours. The 24-hour service, operated by the Division of Information Technology will replace the current Directory Assistance and Messaging service on July 1, 2003.

Fair to show ways to stay healthy

February 21, 2003

Students, faculty and staff are invited to attend a Wellness Fair on Saturday, March 1, from noon until 4 p.m. at the UW–Madison Natatorium, 2000 Observatory Drive.

Alliance brings E-business Wisconsin manufacturers

February 20, 2003

A strategic alliance to help Wisconsin manufacturers apply e-business technologies to benefit supply chain collaboration was announced today by the Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnershipand UW–Madison's Consortium for Global eCommerce.

Statement by Chancellor Wiley on governor’s budget

February 19, 2003

The following statement was issued today by UW–Madison Chancellor John Wiley in response to Governor Jim Doyle's budget message.

Accounting graduate finishes third in nation on CPA exam

February 19, 2003

A UW–Madison graduate had the third highest score in the nation on the Uniform CPA Examination for May. Kelly Mogensen earned the Elijah Watt Sells Bronze medal for finishing third nationally among people who took the exam last May.

Students tell of dating violence experiences

February 18, 2003

Dating abuse can affect anyone, in any type of relationship. It happens on every college campus, including UW–Madison, yet the issue is rarely discussed. That's why undergraduate Rachel Perry applied for a Wisconsin Idea Fellowship.

Larbalestier named to National Academy of Engineering

February 18, 2003

Materials Science and Engineering professor David Larbalestier has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). He joins 2,000 other members, 17 of whom are current or emeriti faculty from UW–Madison's College of Engineering.

Camp Heartland children to visit

February 18, 2003

Children from Camp Heartland, the nation's largest camp for children impacted by HIV/AIDS, will be visiting campus this week to share their message of hope and courage with the campus community.

Orphanage experience alters brain development

February 17, 2003

By studying these children adopted from Eastern European orphanages and the developmental problems they face, researchers from UW–Madison have developed a better understanding of how certain early childhood experiences can alter the development of the brain and, as result, also alter the development of particular skills or abilities.

Infants may offer clues to language development

February 17, 2003

You may not know it, but you took a course in linguistics as a baby. By listening to the talk around them, infants pick up sound patterns that help them understand the speech they hear, according to new research from UW–Madison. But this research also shows that some patterns are easier to identify, suggesting that the development of human language may have been shaped by what infants could learn.

Events Bulletin

February 11, 2003

Directory Lists Youth Programs More than 90 classes, camps, workshops and other activities for children and teens are featured in UW–Madison’s new Programs…


February 11, 2003

APPOINTED Lawrence Bank, professor, civil and environmental engineering, has been appointed to a five-year term on the International Editorial Board of “Advances…

For the Record

February 11, 2003

GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS Knapp Bequest Committee The Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee is soliciting proposals for special projects taking place in…

‘Bring your own condom’ this Valentine’s Day

February 11, 2003

When you're with your sweetheart this Friday for Valentine's Day, UW–Madison student organization Sex Out Loud wants to remind you to B.Y.O.C. (bring your own condom) in celebration of National Condom Week.

Cesar Pelli lecture cancelled

February 11, 2003

The lecture by Cesar Pelli, scheduled for 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12 on campus has been cancelled due to illness.

Tool may diagnose heart disease

February 11, 2003

A quick and painless technique recently developed by UW–Madison researchers could help clinicians identify signs of coronary heart disease (CHD), a condition that claims the lives of 2,000 Americans every day.

Schubert on tap Friday at Mills Hall

February 11, 2003

The Faculty Concert Series at the School of Music will present a complete rendition of Schubert's song cycle "Die schöne Müllerin" on Friday, Feb. 14, at 8 p.m. in Mills Hall. Baritone Paul Rowe and pianist Martha Fischer perform Schubert's settings of 20 poems by Wilhelm Müller.