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Workshop to explore excellence in challenging times

April 11, 2003

Tools available to help UW–Madison staff make budget decisions and plan strategically during tight budget times are part of Showcase 2003: Excellence in Challenging Times: Improving Work, Learning and Climate.

Budget cuts will hamper instruction, research

April 9, 2003

Cuts in UW–Madison's portion of the state budget will have a major negative impact on instruction and student services, statewide public service, and the university's ability to bolster the economy, says Provost Peter Spear.

Internet use soaring for UW–Madison students

April 8, 2003

Students at UW–Madison are increasingly turning to the Internet as an information source and communications medium, according to a survey by the Division of Information Technology.

5K Poker Run/Walk on April 10

April 8, 2003

A 5K Poker/Run Walk to benefit Special Olympics and the UW Kinesiology Club is set for Thursday, April 10, at the Natatorium.

UW-Madison to assess fee for international services

April 8, 2003

To offset the costs of implementing and operating the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, UW–Madison will begin assessing a fee of $50 per semester for international students.

New program explores teaching math, science

April 8, 2003

The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning — a five-year, multi-institutional initiative led by UW–Madison — was launched late March. CIRTL promises to create a living laboratory for exploring new ways to develop and prepare science, math and engineering faculty. It is funded by the National Science Foundation.

Children benefit from unique movement therapy

April 8, 2003

Rena Kornblum, a lecturer in the Dance Program, is the author of the Violence Prevention Through Movement curriculum, a vital component of the therapist's toolbox to channel children's aggression, strength and energy into socially acceptable behavior.


April 8, 2003

Ask Bucky Actual questions from real people, answered by the friendly folks at the Campus Information and Visitor Center. Q: Do…


April 8, 2003

Honored Kirstin Dougan, metadata librarian, Digital Content Group within the General Library System, has received the Music Library Association’s Freeman Award.

For the record

April 8, 2003

Herfurth-Kubly Awards for Initiative and Efficiency The deadline is Friday, April 11, to nominate students for the Theodore Herfurth and Teddy Kubly Awards…


April 8, 2003

The American Heritage Dictionary defines phenology as “the study of periodic biological phenomena, such as flowering, breeding and migration, especially as related to climate.”…

Recent sightings

April 8, 2003

Exchange of views Draped in an American flag, Ryan Holz, a senior majoring in history and political science, advocates for…

A sample of Wisconsin Idea resources and publications

April 8, 2003

A search of UW–Madison Web sites and library catalogs will reveal dozens of sources where one can discover more about the Wisconsin Idea.

Scientist reels in top book award

April 8, 2003

The Society of Academic Authors announces the textbook "Meteorology: Understanding the Atmosphere" by Steve Ackerman and John Knox has won the Talbot Prize for visual excellence.

Campus mail can move more efficiently — with a little helpful cooperation from customers

April 8, 2003

In light of impending budget cuts, the UW–Madison Physical Plant is asking the campus community to help make the campus mail delivery system as efficient as possible to ensure the shortest delivery times.

Capitol capsules

April 8, 2003

Capitol Capsules provides a quick overview of state government activities of interest to UW–Madison employees. Committee holds public hearings on budget…

Death penalty symposium to include former Illinois governor

April 8, 2003

The free public symposium titled "Innocence and the Death Penalty" will bring to Madison a panel of individuals closely connected to the issue of the death penalty, including former Illinois Gov. George Ryan, who last year historically commuted the death sentences of all 167 people on Illinois' death row.

Crazylegs race to close streets on April 26

April 8, 2003

Several campus area streets will be closed to traffic temporarily on Saturday morning, April 26, during the 2003 Crazylegs Classic.

Walsh wins writing accolade

April 8, 2003

Timothy Walsh, director of the cross-college advising service, won first place in the 2003 Wisconsin Academy Review/Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops Short Story Contest.