Campus news Latest News
Is it ok to shoot radio-collared deer in the CWD zone?
One effect of the university's successful deer trapping and collaring program ÷ aimed at tracking the movements of whitetails in the CWD intensive harvest zone around Mt. Horeb, Wis. ÷ is that hunters are now spotting radio-collared deer, and wondering if it's alright to shoot them.
What’s that deer wearing?
The electronic neckwear sported by some deer around Mt. Horeb allows CWD researchers to monitor their movements around the clock.
Fans are reminded that security guidelines still in place
UW Police are reminding fans who are planning to attend Saturday night's game at Camp Randall Stadium that there are several items they will not be allowed to carry into the stadium.
Speaker to lead discussion about alcohol issues
The UW–Madison fraternity and sorority community will talk to new members about issues surrounding high-risk drinking at a presentation titled "Drink Think" at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 12, in the Memorial Union Theater.
Create the Future: The Wisconsin Campaign to raise $1.5 billion
The UW Foundation launched Oct. 10 the public phase of "Create the Future: The Wisconsin Campaign," the most ambitious fund-raising effort in the history of the university.
School of Business boosted with $8.4 million in gifts
Long-time UW–Madison benefactor Albert "Ab" Nicholas gave a $6.4 million gift and an anonymous donor gave another $2 million Friday to benefit the School of Business' Applied Corporate Finance program.
College of Engineering to lead Upper Midwest freight study
UW-Madison will lead a multi-state study on freight transportation in the Upper Midwest to assess the ability of transportation systems to handle increased freight traffic in the coming years.
University, fans prepare for rare night game
UW-Madison is preparing for Saturday's rare, nationally televised night game against Ohio State University by reminding Badger fans to include safety in their game-day plans.
UW-Madison Lidar instruments will test NASA’s ICESat
Tonight (Oct. 8) at 8:45 p.m. Central time, NASA will test a laser instrument on the Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) using accurately calibrated instruments developed by the University of Wisconsin Lidar group and housed atop the Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Building on UW–Madison's south campus.
Invasive water fleas found in Wisconsin lake
UW-Madison and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) report today (Oct. 7) that spiny water fleas (Bythotrephes cederstroemi) have invaded the Gile Flowage, a lake in Iron County near Lake Superior.
Energy policy forum set for Oct. 20
The current state and future direction of energy policy in Wisconsin will be explored at an energy forum on the UW–Madison campus Monday, Oct. 20.
Author to speak on farming in the wild
Daniel Imhoff, author of "Farming with the Wild: Enhancing Biodiversity on Farms and Ranches," will speak on conservation-based agriculture at 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 9, in the Pyle Center.
Hooked on books
Donations for the Friends of the UW–Madison Libraries book sale may be dropped off at the Lake Street dock of Memorial…
Stars align in new center
Plasma physics and astrophysics may sound as far apart as the Earth and sun, but a five-year, $11.25 million grant from the National Science Foundation brings together these two disciplines, which tackle similar scientific problems.
Child-care scholarships available to classified staff
Permanent classified staff members may be eligible for a new child-care scholarship sponsored by the Offices of the Dean of Students in consultation with the University Child Care Committee.
Employee orientation, resource fair set
Longtime and new employees alike can learn more about the campus and the resources it offers at the Employee Orientation and Resource Fair on Tuesday, Oct. 21, 8 a.m.-noon in the Kohl Center.
Badger Bus tickets on sale at Memorial Union
Tickets to Milwaukee on the Badger Bus are now being sold at the Wisconsin Union Travel Center on the second floor of Memorial Union as well as at the Badger Bus Depot, 2 S. Bedford St.
Art historian to discuss paintings of Caravaggio
Influential art historian Michael Fried will visit campus Oct. 16-17, and lecture on "Caravaggio: The Invention of Absorption" at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 16, in room L160 of the Elvehjem Museum of Art.
Morgridge, Doyle to keynote economic summit
Two prominent UW System graduates ÷ John P. Morgridge, chair of the board of Cisco Systems, and Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle ÷ will serve as keynote speakers at Wisconsin Economic Summit IV, Oct. 27-28, at the Midwest Airlines Center in Milwaukee.
The Arts Institute is accepting applications and nominations for the faculty research, faculty and staff outreach and graduate student achievement awards. Deadline…